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Online course of KPK2 stopped working

Online course of KPK2 stopped working
Hi! Last year I purchased and used through the entire year 2 items: "POLSKI krok po kroku 2 online + konsultacje językowe z lektorem na forum" and "POLSKI krok po kroku 2 (e-coursebook)".
From this week it seems I lost access to the online course - on exercises opening I get the message about the need to buy the online course. I'm sure it was working till the last week since I use the online course routinely. Do I have to rebuy it? Thanks
Hello Dmytro,

Thank you for your message. After buying an e-coursebook you gain unlimited access, so you can use it as long as you want and have an account on e-polish.eu. As for the online course, the access is always for one year. So, now in order to continue your work with this extended toll, you need to purchase it. You can use a 55% discount, as a e-coursebook user.

In case of additional questions, please contact me again :)

All the best,
Joanna Krawczyk
Thanks a lot for the quick answer.
Best regards,
Nauka polskiego Rosa
Barcelona (Hiszpania)

To rzeczywiście działa! Świetna jest także konwencja kursu - coraz bardziej wciągam się w akcję i zaprzyjaźniam z bohaterami, a przy okazji wydaje mi się, że coraz lepiej rozumiem i mówię po polsku. Mój nauczyciel polskiego także jest zaskoczony moimi postępami ;-)


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