FONETYKA - polski w praktyce

FONETYKA - polski w praktyce
Joanna Stanek

Titel:FONETYKA - polski w praktyce
Autoren:Joanna Stanek
Kategorie:kompendium gramatyczne, leksykalne itp.
Zielgruppe:Kinder, Erwachsene
Stufe:A1, A2, B1
Sprachfertigkeiten:Hören, Sprechen, Aussprachetraining
Preis17.00 EUR

„FONETYKA - polski w praktyce” is an invitation to intensive pronunciation practice - conducted in a reliable, practical and attractive way. It was created for people who are just starting their adventure with Polish and for those who want to improve their pronunciation or eliminate bad habits. This book is an excellent tool for individual work, it will also be useful during lessons as a source of additional materials. Thanks to the material being arranged by topics and difficulty levels, it will be easier for a teacher to choose the exercises that are best suited to the group. A great variety of tasks will turn the time for phonetics into a time of fun.

The textbook is also available in the interactive e-coursebook version.

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andrewincontact, 2023-07-14
I doesn't work. I payed money for it( I inputed code, but I can't start Fonetyka.
iwonalech, 2022-11-24
Seems great but practically all in Polish. What's the use for students? If someone is so advanced in Polish to understand these theories and descriptions, they do not need any phonetics practice... Disappointed.
Nauka polskiego Christian
Dresden (Niemcy)

Doskonały kurs do nauki języka polskiego. Jestem zaskoczony tak dużym bogactwem dostępnych ćwiczeń do każdego z poruszanych w kursie tematów. Dzięki temu nawet trudne tematy stają się jasne i moje umiejętności rozumienia i używania polskiego są na coraz wyższym poziomie.


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