Gry i zabawy językowe - junior 1

Gry i zabawy językowe - junior 1
Paulina Kuc, Iwona Stempek

Title:Gry i zabawy językowe - junior 1
Autori:Paulina Kuc, Iwona Stempek
Type:teacher's materials, other
Target group:children
Skills:writing, vocabulary practice, speaking, reading, grammar practice, pronunciation practice
Year of publication:2017
Prezzo29.00 EUR

A set of 61 games which makes it possible to activate students, facilitates the practice of new grammatical structures, helps consolidate the vocabulary learned and naturally inspires speaking.
Board games, puzzles, dominoes, pictures and dialogue cards are just a few of the suggestions to use in class. Many of them work great both when introducing new material and when revising old material. The attractive layout makes learning more pleasant, while laughter and good fun are integral parts of working with this publication.

Although Gry i zabawy językowe has been created with learning together with POLSKI krok po kroku – junior in mind, it can successfully be used when working with other textbooks. An advantage of this publication is an extensive key (answers, examples of dialogues and descriptions), which will allow “working with games” for those who learn Polish on their own.

The laughter and fun, which accompany the games, are a guarantee of successful lessons.

Activate the code from the textbook on the platform and get:


  • access to games online
  • 6-months of teacher’s subscription

Often bought together with:

opinia o kursie języka polskiego Ben
Huston (USA)

Zdecydowałem się uczyć polskiego przy pomocy nie bez wątpliwości. Teraz jednak – po dwóch miesiącach nauki – przyznaję była to dobra decyzja. Mając ograniczony czas na naukę program ten daje mi pełną elastyczność. Polecam wszystkim zainteresowanym językiem polskim!


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