Podręcznik nauczyciela - junior 1

Podręcznik nauczyciela - junior 1
Paulina Kuc, Iwona Stempek

Title:Podręcznik nauczyciela - junior 1
Authors:Paulina Kuc, Iwona Stempek
Тип:teacher's materials
Target group:children
Skills:listening comprehension, writing, vocabulary practice, speaking, reading, grammar practice, pronunciation practice
Year of publication:2018
Publishing house:polish-courses.com
Ціна99.90 PLN

The teacher’s handbook to the publication 'POLSKI krok po kroku 1 – junior' has been developed specifically for foreign language teachers who want to effectively and creatively teach students in an engaging manner. It is not only an extensive methodological guide but also a source of inspiration and ready-made lesson ideas.

The teacher’s handbook includes:

  • methodological commentary to all dialogues and exercises
  • 101 completely new communication games and additional language exercises for activation of students and facilitation of their speaking skills as well as for automation of grammar and vocabulary
  • links to useful exercises from the e-polish.eu platform
  • 10 self-evaluation sheets for the student
  • 10 progress tests
  • transcripts of selected recordings
  • answer key

It answers the question of how to teach in a creative way that is attractive for the student.

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Huston (USA)

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