POLSKI krok po kroku - junior 2

POLSKI krok po kroku - junior 2
Iwona Stempek, Paulina Kuc

Titel:POLSKI krok po kroku - junior 2
Autoren:Iwona Stempek, Paulina Kuc
Sprachfertigkeiten:Hören, Schreiben, Vokabelntraining, Sprechen, Lesen, Grammatiktraining, Aussprachetraining
Preis23.00 EUR

The second book of the best-selling POLSKI krok po kroku - junior series includes inspiring and contemporary resources: lively and funny dialogues, practical exercises,
comprehensible grammar tables, illustrations and comics motivating students to
speak, and professional recordings that make it easier to practice pronunciation and improve listening comprehension.

The textbook picks up the storyline from the first book with the beloved characters
returning to help the students go through the nuances of Polish grammar. The first
lessons will systematise topics that the students are already familiar with and will
allow them to assess their actual level of language proficiency, fill any gaps, and
seamlessly move on to the next stage of learning. New lexical and grammatical
topics are introduced within the context of authentic communicative situations
encountered by young people, while the structure of the textbook itself, based on the
Polish language, encourages students to speak and think in Polish from the very

A textbook no one will be bored with!

A large number of recordings familiarise learners with the natural sound of Polish and make it easier to master the difficult art of pronunciation. The diverse exercises bring students into a world close to young people and allow for the rapid development of their Polish communication skills.

The textbook consists of ten chapters totalling approximately 60 hours of study. Each chapter is divided into four subchapters followed by a revision section and an optional “PLUS dla ambitnych” with slightly more difficult supplementary materials. A dictionary of newly learned words and expressions translated into English, German, Ukrainian and Russian has been compiled for each chapter.

The textbook is also available in the interactive e-coursebook version.

Activate the code from the textbook on the e-polish.eu platform and get:



Often bought together with:

Nauka polskiego Christian
Dresden (Niemcy)

Doskonały kurs do nauki języka polskiego. Jestem zaskoczony tak dużym bogactwem dostępnych ćwiczeń do każdego z poruszanych w kursie tematów. Dzięki temu nawet trudne tematy stają się jasne i moje umiejętności rozumienia i używania polskiego są na coraz wyższym poziomie.


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