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Travel to Poland.

Travel to Poland.
Hello. Next week I’m going to Poland. I haven’t been there yet, so I have few questions about my trip. My frineds found accomodation in Cracow for us. Do you know some nice places to vist? I woudl like to spend a great time there so I’m waiting for some interesting suggestions from you.

Hi. For how long are you going to be in Cracow? Because there are many nice places to visit. But I think that few days is to short to see all the monuments and interesting places in our city. First of all you shuold visit Wawel Castle and marketplace. Next place which I recommend to you is jewish part of city – Kazimierz. I don’t know like other people, but I love that part of Cracow. We have winter now so you can’t vist a zoo because all kind of wild animals are inside, what a pity. There are many, many other place, but I need to know what are you interested in?
[quote:artur1]Hi. For how long are you going to be in Cracow? Because there are many nice places to visit. But I think that few days is to short to see all the monuments and interesting places in our city. First of all you shuold visit Wawel Castle and marketplace. Next place which I recommend to you is jewish part of city – Kazimierz. I don’t know like other people, but I love that part of Cracow. We have winter now so you can’t vist a zoo because all kind of wild animals are inside, what a pity. There are many, many other place, but I need to know what are you interested in? [/quote]

I know everything. I’m going to Cracov only for 4 days so I think that I won’t vist all receommended places. I will have to wait to another visit in your country. By the way – thanks for help!
Visit for interesting tips and places in Poland :)
I recommend side as well. If you have only a few days in Cracow you schould see the most interesting attraction like Wawel, Old Town, Sukiennice and St. Mary's Basilica.
Polish lessons wg Elisabeth
London (Wielka Brytania)

Gratuluję – świetnie zrealizowanego portalu! Bardzo podoba mi się sposób wprowadzania materiału i to wyłącznie przy użyciu języka polskiego. Na początku myślałam, że bez użycia angielskiego niczego się nie nauczę, ale to faktycznie działa! Oczywiście korzystam z komentarzy gramatycznych po angielsku, ale to raczej dla upewnienia się, czy wszystko dobrze rozumiem. Dialogów, nagrań oraz ćwiczeń opcjonalnych jest tak dużo, iż nie sposób czegoś nie zrozumieć.


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