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Dancing on the polish language course. What do you think about it?

Dancing on the polish language course. What do you think about it?
Have you ever met with dancing one the Polish language course? Because I’m taking apart in course where every Thursday we dance Polish traditional dances :) Do you have any similar experience?

I think it’s a good idea. You can have a good fun and you can also learn new words. On my polish language course every week teachers show us the Polish culture. So for example last week we were cooking traditional polish dishes. I can’t wait to the next week becasue we are going to the concert of folk music.
[quote:robin]I think it’s a good idea. You can have a good fun and you can also learn new words. On my polish language course every week teachers show us the Polish culture. So for example last week we were cooking traditional polish dishes. I can’t wait to the next week becasue we are going to the concert of folk music. [/quote]

How can you listening a folk music? I hate that kind of music! But learning Polish during cooking must be really interesting! I have to tell that story to my teacher! Thanks for new idea!
I think that classes should be diverse or at least there should be some extra workshops in the afternoon or evening. I participated in a Polish course in August at Glossa School in Cracow and there were many fun activities and workshops: watching films, cooking and tasting traditional Polish food and many trips for free. I remember Polish Christmas party with pierogi, mushroom soup and singing carrols. It was a great fun!
[quote:frdalloway]I think that classes should be diverse or at least there should be some extra workshops in the afternoon or evening.

I'm looking for that kind of course. I don't want to spend my holidays learning words by heart and tormenting myself with grammar. I would like my learning process to be a combination of book knowledge, fun and spending time with Poles!
Antonio w szkole języka polskiego
Bruksela (Belgia)

Próbowałem uczyć się kilku języków online, ale szybko się zniechęcałem, bo albo kurs był za bardzo komunikacyjny, albo też za bardzo ‘tradycyjny’. Polskiego nie miałem możliwości uczyć się inaczej jak tylko online, więc bez przekonania, ale zarejestrowałem się na kurs na Ku mojemu zdziwieniu, tutaj po raz pierwszy spotykam się z kursem, gdzie metodzie komunikacyjnej towarzyszy rzetelny komentarz gramatyczny. Na początku kursu sięgałem do niego dość często, teraz przekonałem się że materiał jest tak fantastycznie przygotowany, iż jest to zbędne. Faktycznie uczę się teraz czysto komunikacyjnie!


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