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Translation needed.

Translation needed.
I have an old, framed picture of Our Lady of Czestochowa. I think my grandfather did this over 100 years ago. On the bottom of the page is the following:


Dodatek do ,,Kalendarza Maryanskiego" K. Miarki na rok 1904

I think it was an insert in a religious calendar in 1904. My 95 year old mother and our family would appreciate a translation. The online translators are not really helpful
Well, the first line is the beginning of quite popular prayer "Pod Twoją obronę". However, the whole text of it is quite difficult to translate, because of rather archaic language, but I found some translation, which seems to be ok. So the original prayer in polish is:

"Pod Twoją obronę uciekamy się,
święta Boża Rodzicielko,
naszymi prośbami racz nie gardzić
w potrzebach naszych, ale od wszelakich złych przygód racz nas zawsze wybawiać, Panno chwalebna i błogosławiona.
O Pani nasza, Orędowniczko nasza,
Pośredniczko nasza, Pocieszycielko nasza z Synem swoim nas pojednaj,
Synowi swojemu nas polecaj,
swojemu Synowi nas oddawaj."


"We fly to your patronage,
O holy Mother of God;
despise not our petitions
in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin.
Our Lady, our Patroness,
our Mediatrix, our Joy! Reconcile us to your Son,
commend us to your Son,
present us to your Son. "

The second line provides some information, just as you said: it is a supplement to the to the calendar in 1904, named "Kalendarz Mariański". I found out that this calendar had been coming out every year before World War II. It seems that the picture you have comes from an early edition of the calendar.

I hope it was helpful!

Well, the first line is the beginning of quite popular prayer "Pod Twoją obronę". However, the whole text of it is quite difficult to translate, because of rather archaic language, but I found some translation, which seems to be ok. So the original prayer in polish is:

"Pod Twoją obronę uciekamy się,
święta Boża Rodzicielko,
naszymi prośbami racz nie gardzić
w potrzebach naszych, ale od wszelakich złych przygód racz nas zawsze wybawiać, Panno chwalebna i błogosławiona.
O Pani nasza, Orędowniczko nasza,
Pośredniczko nasza, Pocieszycielko nasza z Synem swoim nas pojednaj,
Synowi swojemu nas polecaj,
swojemu Synowi nas oddawaj."


"We fly to your patronage,
O holy Mother of God;
despise not our petitions
in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin.
Our Lady, our Patroness,
our Mediatrix, our Joy! Reconcile us to your Son,
commend us to your Son,
present us to your Son. "

The second line provides some information, just as you said: it is a supplement to the to the calendar in 1904, named "Kalendarz Mariański". I found out that this calendar had been coming out every year before World War II. It seems that the picture you have comes from an early edition of the calendar.

I hope it was helpful!

Thank you very much! Where did you find the information about the calendar? I am still curious what "K. Miarki" means or what it refers to. It might help determine how this heirloom came into our family.
I am still waiting for a response to my following comment. This is important to my Mom. She is 95 and finding the history of this item is important to her. She can't live much longer and this would give her much peace.

"Thank you very much! Where did you find the information about the calendar? I am still curious what "K. Miarki" means or what it refers to. It might help
determine how this heirloom came into our family."

Hi, sorry for not answering for so long.
I just typed the calendar title in google, you can find some basic information. This might be helpful: http://www.sbc.org.pl/dlibra/publication/14010?tab=1.
K. Miarki is an abbreviation for full name 'Karol Miarki', who, from the information given on the site, is the publisher of the calendar.
Polish lessons wg Elisabeth
London (Wielka Brytania)

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