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Learning Polish in Brazil

Learning Polish in Brazil
Hey, I’ve just started learning Polish. I live in Brazil, but my grandparents come from Poland. My mother, who was born here but spoke Polish, died when I was very little. I never got the chance to learn any of her language. I would like, so to say, get in touch with my ancestors. It is hard to find a Polish teacher here, I only bought some books via Internet. The thing is, I don’t get much contact with the language (only on the CD from the book). What would you reccomend for a very-beginner, that could help him? Maybe something on the Internet? I found this page, I hope it’s gonna help me. Apart from that I know I need to listen to some Polish. How can I do it? Is there a radio/tv available on the Internet?

Wow, I really liked you story. It’s so great that you want to learn the language of your mom and grandparents. You can look for ‘’polskie radio” on google, many radiostations are available on the web. Here are some useful (hopefully) links:

• http://nadaje.com/Radio_TOK_FM.html (in this radio they talk a lot so I guess you might like it)

• http://www.polskieradio.pl/sluchaj/ (you can choose one, those stations are also more like ‘talking’ than ‘playing’, especially ‘jedynka’ and ‘dwojka’)

You can also find some Polish tv:
http://www.tvp.pl (you have to pay to see some stuff, but a lot of it is for free)
you can also look here http://www.watch-tv.pl/ (click on the picture of TV anfd then on the blue link „Kliknij tutaj, by przejść do strony stacji.”).

I hope this will help you to improve you Polish! I keep my fingers crossed.
[quote:pomocny]Wow, I really liked you story. It’s so great that you want to learn the language of your mom and grandparents. You can look for ‘’polskie radio” on google, many radiostations are available on the web. Here are some useful (hopefully) links:

• http://nadaje.com/Radio_TOK_FM.html (in this radio they talk a lot so I guess you might like it)

• http://www.polskieradio.pl/sluchaj/ (you can choose one, those stations are also more like ‘talking’ than ‘playing’, especially ‘jedynka’ and ‘dwojka’)

You can also find some Polish tv:
http://www.tvp.pl (you have to pay to see some stuff, but a lot of it is for free)
you can also look here http://www.watch-tv.pl/ (click on the picture of TV anfd then on the blue link „Kliknij tutaj, by przejść do strony stacji.”).

I hope this will help you to improve you Polish! I keep my fingers crossed.

Thanks a lot, I try to listen to Polish as much as possible, I don’t understand a word of it but I hope this will soon change!
Hi carloss
Im learning polish too. :) and i have some sites that you can use for trainning the pronunce etc.
Contact for we change the experiences and informations :))

helenpivica arroba gmail ponto com

Nauka polskiego Rosa
Barcelona (Hiszpania)

To rzeczywiście działa! Świetna jest także konwencja kursu - coraz bardziej wciągam się w akcję i zaprzyjaźniam z bohaterami, a przy okazji wydaje mi się, że coraz lepiej rozumiem i mówię po polsku. Mój nauczyciel polskiego także jest zaskoczony moimi postępami ;-)


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