Gosia 2010-08-10 21:00 | Exercise Few days ago I started to learn Polish. I have an exercise to do but I’m beginner and I have some problems with basics and grammar. Could you help me? I have to fill the gap. 1. My brother is short. Mój brat jest __________. a) niski b) niska 2. I have 22 years old. Mam 22 _______. a) lat b) lata 3. My mother has new car. Moja mama ma nowy ______. a) samochód b) samochodu 4. These are my new shoes. To są moje nowe ________. a) buta b) buty 5. There is a flower on the wall. Na _________ jest kwiatek. a) ścianie b) ściana |
Gosia 2010-08-11 08:58 | I can help You besacue I know the basics. It’s really easy. The only think You must do is practise, practise and practise. These are wright answers: 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a We can practise our excersices here so if one of You have easy or even difficult excersices please write them here. We can do it together.It will be much easier. |
Gosia 2010-08-12 15:06 | Thanks for help. My answers were similar but I still have a problem with grammar. |