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Good dictionary

Good dictionary
I need to buy a good dictionary to translate words from English to Polish and from Polish to English.. Does anyone know good authors of dictionaries? Or maybe someone want to sale one piece?
I think that You can buy one dictionary from Oxford series. In my opinion that dictionary is one of the best but unfortunately it’s expensive. You can go to the nearest bookshop and I’m sure that seller will advise You something. I adive You to order something on the Internet because you can find some special offers there.
[quote:cindy]I think that You can buy one dictionary from Oxford series. In my opinion that dictionary is one of the best but unfortunately it’s expensive. You can go to the nearest bookshop and I’m sure that seller will advise You something. I adive You to order something on the Internet because you can find some special offers there.[/quote]

What do you mean expensive? How much is it? Do you know the price? I was looking something on the Internet and I found few version of that dictionary. Do you know wich one I should choose?
[quote:tom][quote:cindy]I think that You can buy one dictionary from Oxford series. In my opinion that dictionary is one of the best but unfortunately it’s expensive. You can go to the nearest bookshop and I’m sure that seller will advise You something. I adive You to order something on the Internet because you can find some special offers there.[/quote]

What do you mean expensive? How much is it? Do you know the price? I was looking something on the Internet and I found few version of that dictionary. Do you know wich one I should choose?[/quote]

I was looking on the Internet and you can buy dictionary for 170 PLN. Dictionary contains 2 parts and If you decide to buy both of them you can get version on CD. This dictionary is worth of his price – that is my opinion
Satoshi w szkole języka polskiego
Nagasaki (Japonia)

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