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Bus drivers

Bus drivers
I would like to share my experience from my vist in Poland with you. My english is not very well, but I was really suprised when I was trying to get some information from bus driver. He didn't understand nothing what I was talking to him. In my opinion bus driver should speaks english at least on communicative level. What do you think about it?
I agree with you! Bus drivers should know english, especially in bigger cities. I remember the situation when tickets machine was broken and I couldn't buy tickets becasue bus driver didn't understand what I was talking to him. It's really weird.
Hi! I don't agree with you! You can always buy a ticket in tickets machine. You couldn't buy it there because it was broken. I'm sure it was an exception. I think that you should ask somebody in the bus and I guarantee that they would help you. For example in Cracow – there are so many student's so I don't think that you will have problems with communication..
I think that it is still quite a big problem in Poland, that shop-assistants or as you mentioned, bus drivers do not understand English.
However, let's be fair - it only concerns older people. Young people in big cities (I've been to Cracow so I'll speak only about that city) speak quite a good English, and even other foreign languages. I've never had a situation, that a younger person didn't understand what I was saying in English. I've met a lot of people during my stay in Poland and I only had a problem once, on a railway station, when reserving a ticket to Warsaw.
[quote:frdalloway]I think that it is still quite a big problem in Poland, that shop-assistants or as you mentioned, bus drivers do not understand English.
However, let's be fair - it only concerns older people. Young people in big cities speak quite a good English, and even other foreign languages.[/quote]

Yes, I agree. Unfortunately, older people were forced to learn Russian when they were younger :-)

But I think that it is changing. More and more people learn foreign languages, even the older ones. They have to do it in order to keep their jobs or get a new one. Now it is essential for an employer to see in your resume that you are fluent in one, two or even three foreign languages.
You have the opportunity to stay here legally!

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Good luck!
Antonio w szkole języka polskiego
Bruksela (Belgia)

Próbowałem uczyć się kilku języków online, ale szybko się zniechęcałem, bo albo kurs był za bardzo komunikacyjny, albo też za bardzo ‘tradycyjny’. Polskiego nie miałem możliwości uczyć się inaczej jak tylko online, więc bez przekonania, ale zarejestrowałem się na kurs na e-polish.eu. Ku mojemu zdziwieniu, tutaj po raz pierwszy spotykam się z kursem, gdzie metodzie komunikacyjnej towarzyszy rzetelny komentarz gramatyczny. Na początku kursu sięgałem do niego dość często, teraz przekonałem się że materiał jest tak fantastycznie przygotowany, iż jest to zbędne. Faktycznie uczę się teraz czysto komunikacyjnie!

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