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Can't open other exercises in A2 online course book

Can't open other exercises in A2 online course book
I finished the A1 course book and now moving to the A2. But when I clicked to the addtional excercises. They were locked, a pop- up said I have to buy online course to access the content , which didn't occur to my A1 book.

I don't understand because I already bought the A2 book and entered the code and now I have to buy the online book again?
They offer a lot of additional excercises if you buy the full access. It is worth the money, but the access ist limited to 12 months. only. So, hurry up learning!

I can see that you have an online course for POLSKI krok po kroku 1 valid until 15th November 2022.
If you want to use an online course for POLSKI krok po krok 2, you need to buy it separately.

Online course is an extended version of the e-coursebook and it gives you the opportunity to learn the Polish language on your own in an effective way. The course includes exercises and materials (like the e-coursebook) and additionally:
+ hundreds of additional, alternative exercises
+ grammar comments and tables
+ vocabulary revision module (flashcards)
+ possibility to save your own notes

The access is for 12 months on the student's account (from the moment you buy/activate it).

You have the e-coursebook POLSKI krok po kroku 2 so you can order an online course with 55% discount.

Please see this instruction to know how to do it: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e05xDl5DKQh6x1EzLTOV-_QK_ZSi8yc59iR9jTP2waM/edit#heading=h.88rftcvq383i

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Kind regards,
Anna Stryczek
Thank you
Nauka polskiego Christian
Dresden (Niemcy)

Doskonały kurs do nauki języka polskiego. Jestem zaskoczony tak dużym bogactwem dostępnych ćwiczeń do każdego z poruszanych w kursie tematów. Dzięki temu nawet trudne tematy stają się jasne i moje umiejętności rozumienia i używania polskiego są na coraz wyższym poziomie.

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