Ćwiczenie 113A6_rocic niemiecku
ruediger 2022-05-10 13:49 | Ćwiczenie 113A6_rocic niemiecku In this excerices, with suing a german client bowser and web site settings, the expressions for the respecitive persons (1st person, 2nd person, etc) ar written mixed Polish and German. For the singular variants the expressions are in Polish (ja, ty, on, ona, one), while in the plural versions the expressions are in German (wir, ihr, sie). This is especially confusing as in German there is no distiction between male/no-male persons for the 3 person plural, so it askes 2 times for German "sie") I would perefer to have only the Polish expressions. |
ruediger 2022-05-10 13:51 | Please excuse the typos: rocic -> robić suing -> using |
sryczkowska 2022-05-11 09:01 | Dear Student, Thank you for raising this issue with us. I have transferred your notification to our IT coordinator. Regards Sylwia Ryczkowska-Blasi sylwia.ryczkowska-blasi@glossa.pl |
adavis 2022-06-01 11:19 | Just to let other people know as well. It has been corrected some time ago. :) |