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No longer have access to all exercises and lesson notes

No longer have access to all exercises and lesson notes
Good Afternoon,

I was in the middle of a lesson with my instructor when all of a sudden I no longer have access to all the exercises and lesson notes... It is saying I need to purchase the book to have access but I already have?
Dear Philip,

Thank you for raising this issue with us. I will contact you via email and we will sort it out.


Patrycja Błasiak
I have the same issue with "Krok po Kroku 1" (textbook) and "Krok po Kroku 2" (textbook)! No more access to the exercises (keys and audio files) on the paltform, and the system asks to purchase another access, which I already have. :((
Dear Students,

the texbooks ''POLSKI krok po kroku'' on the individual student's accounts become interactive e-coursebooks.

And they come in two options:

1. e-coursebooks ''POLSKI krok po kroku ''
The e-coursebook is an interactive textbook for learning Polish. It is designed to motivate you to work and guide you step by step through the self-learning process. It contains exercises and materials in an interactive form from our ''POLSKI krok po kroku'' textbooks with command translations, answer key, audio, multimedia dictionary with translations of words and phrases.

Please see some demo version of the e-coursebook:
POLSKI krok po kroku 1 -> https://e-polish.eu/ecoursebook/kurs/PKPK1/1-2

Students can use e-coursebooks on the e-polish.eu platform. Access is for unlimited time on a student's account.

2. Online courses ''POLSKI krok po kroku ''
Online course is an extended version of the e-coursebook and it gives you the opportunity to learn the Polish language on your own in an effective way. the course includes exercises and materials (like the e-coursebook) and additionally:
+ hundreds of additional, alternative exercises
+ grammar comments and tables
+ vocabulary revision module (flashcards)
+ possibility to save your own notes

The access is for 12 months on the student's account (from the moment you buy/activate it).
The is also a demo version of the online course -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/16QAD-z7v7-SKeCxfdeuVEUC5eDuiqIQcfY029tuwqjc/edit

If you no longer have access to the online course (extedned versuon) that means that demo version or the subscription has expired.

I hope it was helpful.

Sylwia Ryczkowska-Blasi
Polish lessons wg Elisabeth
London (Wielka Brytania)

Gratuluję – świetnie zrealizowanego portalu! Bardzo podoba mi się sposób wprowadzania materiału i to wyłącznie przy użyciu języka polskiego. Na początku myślałam, że bez użycia angielskiego niczego się nie nauczę, ale to faktycznie działa! Oczywiście korzystam z komentarzy gramatycznych po angielsku, ale to raczej dla upewnienia się, czy wszystko dobrze rozumiem. Dialogów, nagrań oraz ćwiczeń opcjonalnych jest tak dużo, iż nie sposób czegoś nie zrozumieć.


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