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Polish for a Swede?

Polish for a Swede?
Hello, I was thinking about learing Polish. I have a Polish grilfriends and I would like to surprise her. My mothertongue is Swedish, so I guess there aren't many similarities. I've read somwhere that is one of the most compliacated languages in the world. Do you guys think that this is true? I just wonder if I would manage to learn the basics.
Well, the grammar is really complicated, especially when it comes to grammar. Nevertheless, if you don’t want to be ultra-correct, i think you won’t have so many problems with the basics. For example, you don’t have to learn the whole new alphabet (like in Russian). If you are motivated enough, I bet you will manage. People do many strange things because of love:-)
[quote:Anka_M]Well, the grammar is really complicated, especially when it comes to grammar. Nevertheless, if you don’t want to be ultra-correct, i think you won’t have so many problems with the basics. For example, you don’t have to learn the whole new alphabet (like in Russian). If you are motivated enough, I bet you will manage. People do many strange things because of love:-)[/quote]

It’s so nice tob hear that there is actually someone, who wants to learn our damn-difficult language! Once I have tried to catch some Swedish, and you know what, even though the grammar is really simple, the pronunciation and the ‘flow’ was killing me! I think that every language is difficult in different aspect.. For example, we don’t omit vowels while speaking like you Swedes do. Don’t let the grammar upset you, be positive and in a few weeks/monts your girlfriend will be very happy;)
Thanks, guys. I think that this actually might work. I have even found a language school teaching Polish here in Stockholm. I want to propose to my gf in Polish. Can someone tell me how would that sound?
[quote:ake]Thanks, guys. I think that this actually might work. I have even found a language school teaching Polish here in Stockholm. I want to propose to my gf in Polish. Can someone tell me how would that sound?[/quote]

When a man proposes to a woman, he would say „czy zechcesz zostać moją żoną” or easier:„czy wyjdziesz za mnie’? I guess that you have no idea how to pronounce that, haha. It’s too hard to explain it in writing, you habe to go to your Polish classes and ask your teacher!:)
Or you can check it here: http://www.oddcast.com/home/demos/tts/tts_example.php?sitepal
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Polish lessons wg Elisabeth
London (Wielka Brytania)

Gratuluję – świetnie zrealizowanego portalu! Bardzo podoba mi się sposób wprowadzania materiału i to wyłącznie przy użyciu języka polskiego. Na początku myślałam, że bez użycia angielskiego niczego się nie nauczę, ale to faktycznie działa! Oczywiście korzystam z komentarzy gramatycznych po angielsku, ale to raczej dla upewnienia się, czy wszystko dobrze rozumiem. Dialogów, nagrań oraz ćwiczeń opcjonalnych jest tak dużo, iż nie sposób czegoś nie zrozumieć.


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