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Cracow - places to visit.

Cracow - places to visit.
Hello, I was in Cracow last summer, and I'm planning to visit it once again this year. I've seen many places, museums and gone on a few trips, but I was wondering maybe you (people, who live in Cracow or spend some time there) could recommend places, which are not very often shown on a guide trips, but still worth seeing?

For me that kind of unforgettable trip was the Vistula Cruise. I know it may be very popular among tourists, but I really liked observing Cracow from a totally different perspective, without the crowds, traffic jams, and quick pace of the city.
I live in Cracow and I think this town has many unusual places worth seeing on your own, without any guide.
What I can recommend is Kazimierz District - although it is very popular among Cracow's tourists, mainly because of great cafeterias and restaurants, however, they're not very keen on visiting the old Jewish cemeteries and synagogues, which I find extremely unique and exquisite.
For me the most characteristic and interesting place in Kazimierz District is the Synagogue at Szeroka street and its Cemetery Remuh built in XVI-th century.

The trip I'm always recalling when thinking about my visit to Cracow is the walking trip to the Kosciuszko Mound. It is quite popular among tourists, but I think that many people visiting Cracow focus mainly on the Market Square and places closer to the centre. You can also go from the Kosciuszko Mound to the neighbouring Marshall Pilsudski Mound. Views are beautiful from there, and, what's most important, these places are more peaceful and not that crowded as the Cracow's centre.
Antonio w szkole języka polskiego
Bruksela (Belgia)

Próbowałem uczyć się kilku języków online, ale szybko się zniechęcałem, bo albo kurs był za bardzo komunikacyjny, albo też za bardzo ‘tradycyjny’. Polskiego nie miałem możliwości uczyć się inaczej jak tylko online, więc bez przekonania, ale zarejestrowałem się na kurs na Ku mojemu zdziwieniu, tutaj po raz pierwszy spotykam się z kursem, gdzie metodzie komunikacyjnej towarzyszy rzetelny komentarz gramatyczny. Na początku kursu sięgałem do niego dość często, teraz przekonałem się że materiał jest tak fantastycznie przygotowany, iż jest to zbędne. Faktycznie uczę się teraz czysto komunikacyjnie!


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