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Not possible to report mistakes in dictionary

Not possible to report mistakes in dictionary
Your dictionary is a great thing but it contains many small and sometimes even big (translation and/or spelling) mistakes. I have been trying for weeks to help you and report these mistakes many, many times electronically, but this handy function never seems to work. Just for your information.

PS: If the error reporting function had worked, your dictionary would be almost perfect by now. :-) (Provided, you find the time to implement my corrections.)
Dear Johann,

Thank you for reporting the problem. We will look into this.
In the meantime, feel free to send me an email with the wrong translations so I can make the corrections sooner.

Kind regards,
​Agnieszka Chmurzyńska
Dobrze, próbuję. Ale e-mailem nie jest takie wygodnie. Pierwszy bląd: pieróg po niemiecku nie jest Pastete, jest Pirogge. (We have that word, too.)

Interesting, reporting an error directly from the dictionary seems to work but it never works when I am learning a word. What I do:
1. Going through my daily words and spot an error.
2. Click the button "show dictionary".
3. Another window appears with the full entry (wonderful, so well designed!)
4. Here I finally click the red "report error" button - very good idea, by the way.
5. Typing my correction is possible, but sending ALWAYS FAILS no matter which system I'm on (PC, Mac, Android) :-(

Nauka polskiego Rosa
Barcelona (Hiszpania)

To rzeczywiście działa! Świetna jest także konwencja kursu - coraz bardziej wciągam się w akcję i zaprzyjaźniam z bohaterami, a przy okazji wydaje mi się, że coraz lepiej rozumiem i mówię po polsku. Mój nauczyciel polskiego także jest zaskoczony moimi postępami ;-)


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