Problems adding Czytaj Book 1
jmpchicago1 2022-09-14 04:11 | Problems adding Czytaj Book 1 Hello, I entered the code for Czytaj Book 1 by the lock in the top righthand corner of my account. The book does not show up in the Courses, which is where my textbook and workbook appear. I tried adding the code again and got a message that the code had already been added. However, I cannot find the book showing up anywhere. Please tell me how to access the Czytaj Book 1 online. My class starts soon. Thank you. |
astryczek 2022-09-14 10:00 | Hello, If you entered the code from the paper book CZYTAJ krok po kroku 1, you have access only to recordings from that book. In order to use the e-coursebook CZYTAJ krok po kroku you need to order it on our website. You can find it here: https://e-polish.eu/en/sklep/e-coursebook_CZ01 If you have any questions, please contact me. Kind regards, Anna Stryczek anna.stryczek@glossa.pl |