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Teaching English in Poland

Teaching English in Poland
Hi there

Sorry if this goes off-topic but I found no similar discussion board to post it
I'm Andryi from Cherkassy, Ukraine currently looking for new job opportunities. I graduated from English Philology at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (the best school in Ukraine) a few years back. Since then, I was teaching English online and worked for several foreign language schools all over Ukraine.
Lately, I finally got the "Karta Polaka" and decided that I would try my luck in Poland. I got a few questions regarding English mentoring in Poland.

1. Can anybody recommend a resource to look for employment opportunities?
2. How much does an English teacher get in Poland?
3. Has anybody heard of this company: http://www.speak-up.com/ ? I saw the have a job opportunity in Warsaw and I applied for it.
4. Do I need any additional job permits/etc.?

Oczywiście, z powodu polskich korzeni mówię po polsku, but I thought posting in English would be more appropriate here.

opinia o kursie języka polskiego Ben
Huston (USA)

Zdecydowałem się uczyć polskiego przy pomocy e-polish.eu nie bez wątpliwości. Teraz jednak – po dwóch miesiącach nauki – przyznaję była to dobra decyzja. Mając ograniczony czas na naukę program ten daje mi pełną elastyczność. Polecam wszystkim zainteresowanym językiem polskim!


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