Gosia 2010-08-26 16:36 | MONTHS I've started learn polish, it's complicated but I like it :) but there is one thing very interesting - names of months. Not every but a few names is almost the same in different languages but polish has his own names. Do you know why? For example september (spanish - septiembre) in polish is sierpien. |
Gosia 2010-08-28 09:57 | I'm not sure but is question of histry of our lenguage and a lot of this name is conected with 4 seasons and changes of fauna and flora. It is said that kwiecień (april) it's time of blooming of flowers and bloom in polish is kwitnąć. |
Gosia 2010-08-31 17:09 | [quote:olga]I'm not sure but is question of histry of our lenguage and a lot of this name is conected with 4 seasons and changes of fauna and flora. It is said that kwiecień (april) it's time of blooming of flowers and bloom in polish is kwitnąć.[/quote] hmmm, it's realy interesting, maybe every month has his own histry of his name? I'll look for more information, hope I'll find something more in internet |
Gosia 2010-08-31 17:15 | [quote:danny][quote:olga]I'm not sure but is question of histry of our lenguage and a lot of this name is conected with 4 seasons and changes of fauna and flora. It is said that kwiecień (april) it's time of blooming of flowers and bloom in polish is kwitnąć.[/quote] hmmm, it's realy interesting, maybe every month has his own histry of his name? I'll look for more information, hope I'll find something more in internet[/quote] |
Gosia 2010-08-31 17:19 | I hope you find answer for your question :) maj (may) and marzec (march) sound almost like in english. |
Joanna_Polish_Centre 2012-02-06 17:33 | Hello :) If it is interesting for you... STYCZEŃ is from "stykać". It means... connect, meet.... It is the time when Old Year and the New one meet, connect, that's why January is styczeń :) LUTY - many many many years ago this word had a meaning - 'very bad, freezing, cruel'. And it's true (now you can see that) - this month is really really cold in Poland, so "luty" is February. MARZEC - it is from latin language. In ancient Rome, March was a month of god of war (Mars) and planet Mars who was shining the most at that time. KWIECIEŃ - because of kwiat, kwiaty - flowers :) It's really beautiful, colourful and warm month. MAJ - because of Maja, godness from Rome. Month of love, full of happiness etc. CZERWIEC - there is a small insect called "czerwiec' who was used to get red pigment. LIPIEC - it's because of 'lipa' (a kind of tree) which is blooming in July :) SIERPIEŃ - "sierp" means "sickle". Years ago we were using it to cut grain, cereal. WRZESIEŃ - it's because of violet flowers called "wrzosy". PAŹDZIERNIK - "paździerz" - years ago it was a linen straw to make a clothes. LISTOPAD - 'liść'+'opadać'= falling leaves. GRUDZIEŃ - "gruda" it was freezing earth. Years ago ;) Best, Joanna :) |
margaretK 2012-02-07 12:58 | I like an explanation of Joanna_Polish_Centre. It is really interesting. I didn't know before what exactly means the name of every months. |