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People in Poland

People in Poland
Hi I would like to know yours opinion about Polish people. I have my own opinion, but as I said I would like to know yours. I live in London so I meet Polish people every day. I invite all of you to discussion!
Hello. In my opinion Polish people are really kind. Every time when I go for holidays to Poland I met helpful people who are ready to help if You have some promblem. They are really friendly and they like good fun. Sometimes they are too pessimistic but I heard that is their main attribute.
[quote:bob]Hello. In my opinion Polish people are really kind. Every time when I go for holidays to Poland I met helpful people who are ready to help if You have some promblem. They are really friendly and they like good fun. Sometimes they are too pessimistic but I heard that is their main attribute. [/quote]

I agree with you. I live in Bristol, I'm British, but my wife comes from Poland. We have friends in Poland, our weeding was in Poland and we are planning to move there. Every year I spend great time in Poland with my friends and my family. People are open, enthusiastic and hard – working.
My time in Poland
Hi everyone, I want to share my opinion with you about Polish people. In August, I participated in Polish course in one of Cracow's (Krakow) schools and I must say I met great people there.
I spent only two weeks learning Polish, but it was the best time ever. I gained a lot of new friends, not only at the course, but also outside the school. We went to pubs and clubs together and we still have contact via mail or Facebook. Polish people are open, friendly, welcoming and they speak really good English (especially younger people). I stayed at Polish family during this course - they were very nice and helpful. Besides, my Polish "Mum" cooked so well, that I miss PIEROGI already!
You have the opportunity to stay here legally!

Company SAS Logistics will help you with legalization of your stay in Poland, preparation of documents for the arrival to Poland, obtaining Polish citizenship and work permits and so on.

For more information in:
-English and Arabic, call 889 24 92 95,
-Polish, call 889 24 92 91,
-Russian, call 998 24 92 48,
-Chinese, call 889 24 93 80,
-Vietnamese, call 889 24 93 80.

Good luck!
Hello everyone! I live in Spain and I have several friends from Poland. I have visited them a few times in Poland. People are always really nice and friendly for me and lots of them can speak spanish what is very positive surprise. I also like Polish way of behaving and sense of humour.
Polish lessons wg Elisabeth
London (Wielka Brytania)

Gratuluję – świetnie zrealizowanego portalu! Bardzo podoba mi się sposób wprowadzania materiału i to wyłącznie przy użyciu języka polskiego. Na początku myślałam, że bez użycia angielskiego niczego się nie nauczę, ale to faktycznie działa! Oczywiście korzystam z komentarzy gramatycznych po angielsku, ale to raczej dla upewnienia się, czy wszystko dobrze rozumiem. Dialogów, nagrań oraz ćwiczeń opcjonalnych jest tak dużo, iż nie sposób czegoś nie zrozumieć.


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