Janusz Rudzki | |
Completed online classes: | 3657 |
Author of exercises at e-polish.eu: | NO |
Issues invoices: | no |
السعر:: | 1 الدرس — 90 PLN/21 EURi 10 Lessons — 900 PLN/210 EURi 20 Lessons — 1800 PLN/420 EURi 30 Lessons — 2700 PLN/630 EURi |
About me:
هل تبحث عن تعلم اللغة البولندية ولكن لديك بعض الأسئلة قبل الالتزام؟ لا مشكلة، فقط انقر فوق "درس تجريبي مجاني عبر الإنترنت" وقم بالتسجيل للحصول على درس مجاني معي. اسمي يانوش وأنا أتقن البولندية والبلغارية والإنجليزية، مع بعض الفهم للغة الروسية والأوكرانية. أقوم بتدريس اللغات عبر الإنترنت وأنا متحمس لبدء تعليمك، حتى لو كنت مبتدئًا!
اسمي يانوش وأنا أبلغ من العمر 38 عامًا. لدي خبرة في تعليم الأشخاص من جميع الأعمار، من الأطفال إلى المتقاعدين، وأقدم مجموعة متنوعة من الخيارات لتناسب احتياجاتك. يمكنك البدء بدرس مجاني، مدته 50 دقيقة، ثم الانتقال إلى دروس فردية مدتها 60 دقيقة وتكلف 21 يورو لكل درس. بعد كل درس، سأعطيك واجبات منزلية للقيام بها على منصة e-polish عبر الإنترنت لمساعدتك على ممارسة ما تعلمته.
لقد منحتني الحياة في بولندا والمملكة المتحدة والبرتغال وبلغاريا وإيطاليا على مدى السنوات السبع الماضية فهمًا عميقًا للثقافات واللغات المختلفة، والتي أستخدمها في التدريس. أعرف عن كثب التحديات التي يفرضها تعلم لغة جديدة وأستخدم هذه التجربة لإنشاء دروس داعمة وعملية. يساعدني التعرض لأنماط التعلم المتنوعة على التكيف مع احتياجاتك الفريدة، مما يضمن التقدم الفعال. يسمح لي منظوري العالمي بربط اللغة البولندية بالثقافات الأخرى، مما يجعلها أكثر ارتباطًا وتفاعلًا بالنسبة لك. في النهاية، لا أقدم تعليمًا لغويًا فحسب، بل أقدم أيضًا رؤى قيمة للتكيف مع البيئات الجديدة والازدهار في عالم متعدد الثقافات.
لكنني لست مجرد مدرس لغة؛ أنا أيضًا محفز لتعلم اللغات! هدفي هو مساعدة الجميع على التقدم في حياتهم من خلال تعلم اللغة. أؤمن بجعل التعلم ممتعًا وفعالًا لجميع أنواع الأشخاص، أينما كانوا في العالم. لهذا السبب كتبت كتابًا إلكترونيًا بعنوان "7 نصائح حول كيفية تعلم لغة أجنبية"، والذي سأرسله إليك مجانًا عندما تتواصل معي.
وإذا كنت تتساءل عن اهتماماتي خارج نطاق تدريس اللغات، فأنا مهتم بالحضارات القديمة والذكاء الاصطناعي والتاريخ والجغرافيا السياسية، كما أستمتع بالصيد. لذا فلنبدأ رحلة تعلم اللغات معًا! ما عليك سوى النقر على "درس تجريبي مجاني عبر الإنترنت" وسنتولى الأمر من هناك.
Qualifications and experience:
أ- مدرسة ثانوية (بلغاريا)
- درجة البكالوريوس في الإدارة (بولندا)
- شهادة في تدريس اللغة البولندية كلغة ثانية (بولندا)
- شهادة المستوى الثاني في المهارات الوظيفية للغة الإنجليزية (إنجلترا)
- شهادة المستوى الثاني في المهارات الوظيفية للرياضيات (إنجلترا)
- دورة تدريبية عبر الإنترنت لتعليم اللغة الإنجليزية (إنجلترا)
- جائزة المستوى الثالث في التعليم والتدريب (إنجلترا)
- دليل ChatGPT الكامل: تعلم Midjourney وChatGPT 4 والمزيد (دورة تدريبية عبر الإنترنت)
- الهندسة السريعة للجميع باستخدام chatGPT وGPT4 (دورة تدريبية عبر الإنترنت)
- IA في التعليم: aprovechar ChatGPT para la enseñanza en la Universidad de Pensilvania (curso en línea)
- مُنشئ عمل في الخدمات اللغوية المباشرة، ومشاركة بحوث عبر الإنترنت لموظفي مؤسسات الاتحاد الأوروبي
حاليًا، أقوم بتدريس 25 طالبًا من خمس قارات مختلفة.
Methods of teaching
- تعلم اللغة المجتمعية
- الطريقة المباشرة
- القواعد - الترجمة
- التدريس عبر الإنترنت
Teacher Janusz Rudzki is available on the dates listed below. They are already in your time zone which is: GMT.
00:00–00:50 | |||||||
01:00–01:50 | |||||||
02:00–02:50 | |||||||
03:00–03:50 | |||||||
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21:00–21:50 | |||||||
22:00–22:50 | |||||||
23:00–23:50 |
Available tutor - on this date you can arrange your class
1 lekcja = 50 minut
- bojena, 2025-02-09
- 5/5
- Nogueira233, 2025-02-01
- 5/5
- bojena, 2025-01-18
- 5/5
- bojena, 2025-01-12
- 5/5
- alex_murillo, 2025-01-09
- 5/5
- KristinS, 2025-01-09
- 5/5
- joemuddle, 2025-01-06
- 5/5
- KristinS, 2025-01-03
- 5/5
- rkntan, 2025-01-02
- 5/5
- KristinS, 2025-01-02
- 5/5
- bojena, 2024-12-29
- 5/5
- KristinS, 2024-12-29
- 5/5
- gablody, 2024-12-26
- Dzięki bardzo
- 5/5
- bojena, 2024-12-22
- 5/5
- gablody, 2024-12-19
- Wesołych Świąt!
♫☺ - 5/5
- joemuddle, 2024-12-16
- 5/5
- KristinS, 2024-12-15
- 5/5
- gablody, 2024-12-13
- Great lesson, dzięki
- 5/5
- alex_murillo, 2024-12-12
- 5/5
- joemuddle, 2024-12-09
- 5/5
- bojena, 2024-12-08
- 5/5
- gablody, 2024-12-05
- Very informative and interesting! Dziȩkujȩ bardzo!
- 5/5
- bojena, 2024-12-01
- 5/5
- gablody, 2024-11-29
- Very good lesson, we covered numbers 1-10, and hair styles from the seventies today.
- 5/5
- gablody, 2024-11-22
- I enjoy our classes/conversations very much :)
- 5/5
- bojena, 2024-11-17
- 5/5
- bojena, 2024-11-10
- 5/5
- vincentfourrier, 2024-11-09
- 5/5
- alex_murillo, 2024-11-08
- 5/5
- bojena, 2024-11-03
- 5/5
- bojena, 2024-10-27
- 5/5
- vincentfourrier, 2024-10-26
- 5/5
- bojena, 2024-10-20
- 5/5
- bojena, 2024-10-13
- 5/5
- bojena, 2024-10-06
- 5/5
- LukaszJastrzab, 2024-10-02
- 5/5
- LukaszJastrzab, 2024-09-25
- 5/5
- bojena, 2024-09-22
- 5/5
- gabriela.heger, 2024-09-17
- 5 stars
Janusz is a native speaker with many years of teaching experience. In my opinion, this is extremely important. He grew up with the language and can recognize all the nuances of pronunciation. He speaks the language as it is used in everyday life and has extensive knowledge of his country, culture and politics.
All in all, anyone can consider themselves lucky to have him by their side when learning Polish. He is personable and it makes it very easy to build a certain connection with him. This was crucial for me as it made learning Polish much easier. In addition, our lessons are much more relaxed and I/we have more fun.
Janusz teaches in a structured way, but is flexible in his lesson planning depending on the mood of the day. Sometimes the focus is on grammar, sometimes communication. The cost-benefit ratio is good.
I recommend taking a trial lesson with him to see for yourself what a teaching style is like.
Gabriela - 5/5
- LukaszJastrzab, 2024-09-16
- 5/5
- bojena, 2024-09-15
- 5/5
- alex_murillo, 2024-09-09
- 5/5
- bojena, 2024-09-08
- 5/5
- bojena, 2024-09-01
- 5/5
- bojena, 2024-08-24
- 5/5
- m.j.ns1989, 2024-03-14
- 5/5
- Cedric, 2024-03-07
- 5/5
- m.j.ns1989, 2024-03-07
- 5/5
- atanasovkristiqn, 2023-12-22
- 5/5
- atanasovkristiqn, 2023-12-19
- 5/5
- atanasovkristiqn, 2023-12-12
- 5/5
- atanasovkristiqn, 2023-12-09
- 5/5
- atanasovkristiqn, 2023-12-05
- 5/5
- atanasovkristiqn, 2023-12-01
- 5/5
- atanasovkristiqn, 2023-11-28
- 5/5
- atanasovkristiqn, 2023-11-24
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-09-27
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-09-20
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-09-13
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-09-06
- 4/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-08-23
- 5/5
- dvw113, 2023-08-17
- I have been working with Janusz for quite a while. HIs classes alwasy feel as if they are tailored to one's own strengths and weaknesses in order to achieve the desired goal. Janusz is not interested in covering material quickly, he is interested in the student's learning so lessons are tailored to ensure optimal understanding of the material. He uses a hybrid approach, he doesn't cover the book line-by-line, which helps comprehension. I enjoy my lessons very much, even the ones through which I struggle!
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-08-16
- 5/5
- atanasovkristiqn, 2023-08-11
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-08-09
- 5/5
- atanasovkristiqn, 2023-08-08
- 5/5
- atanasovkristiqn, 2023-08-05
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-08-03
- 4/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-07-26
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-07-19
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-07-11
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-07-05
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-06-28
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-06-21
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-06-14
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-06-07
- 4/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-05-31
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-05-24
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-05-17
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-05-10
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-05-03
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-04-26
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-04-19
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-04-12
- 5/5
- autumnndean, 2023-04-08
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-04-05
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-03-29
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-03-22
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-03-15
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-03-08
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-03-01
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-02-22
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-02-15
- 5/5
- dvw113, 2023-02-11
- Always an interesting lesson!
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-02-08
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-02-02
- Very good
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-01-18
- 5/5
- dvw113, 2023-01-12
- Always challenging! Always enjoyable!
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-01-11
- 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2023-01-04
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2022-12-29
- Excellent, as usual
- 5/5
- roman.jaquier, 2022-11-02
- 5/5
- roman.jaquier, 2022-10-29
- 5/5
- roman.jaquier, 2022-10-19
- Thanks a lot for the perfect introduction and for your availability, see you
Roman - 5/5
- nicsteyn, 2022-10-19
- 5/5
- pwyk, 2022-10-11
- Dziekuje bardzo!
- 5/5
- paul.buist, 2022-10-03
- 5/5
- Pobedys, 2022-09-24
- 5/5
- danielabanaszak, 2022-08-13
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-08-13
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-08-06
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-07-27
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-07-20
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-07-13
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-07-06
- 5/5
- sunny_sky, 2022-07-04
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-07-04
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-07-01
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-06-30
- Today learnt about numbers.
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-06-29
- 5/5
- sunny_sky, 2022-06-27
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-06-24
- We did revision on the Makabara strory and then we start of with chapter 5.
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-06-23
- We start with the story and learned new words
- 5/5
- sunny_sky, 2022-06-22
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-06-22
- We start with the story and learned new words
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-06-17
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-06-15
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-06-13
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-06-06
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-06-03
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-06-01
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-05-27
- We learned lot of new verbs today.
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-05-26
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-05-25
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-05-20
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-05-19
- thank you Janzusz for revision and teaching me colors in this lesson and asking lot of questions...
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-05-18
- i really want to thank Janusz for accomdating and changing schedule multiple time. I really love the revision part of the lesson. He ask me lot of question that give me confidence . We learnt today about masculine, feminine and neutral. It was v engaging.
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-05-16
- Janusz focused on revision and then he taught me about gender in polish. some new learning i have got in polish today
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-05-10
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-05-09
- in this lesson we focused on new words again. the revision part is fantastic...
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-05-06
- In yesterday`s class apart from revision. We focused on learning name of objects. Janusz taught me the pronunciation as well. Within no time i was able to recognize and speak it well.
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-05-04
- Today, we focused first on revision and then started with lesson 3. I really love the revision part from previous classes. It helps me remember lot of things. In lesson 3 there were lot of new words but i could understand with the help from Janusz.
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-05-02
- After a break of 10 days. First 30 mins was kept for revision. Janusz asked me lot of questions. It helped me remember me lot of things from past. He did lot of speaking, reading and writing exercise as well
- 5/5
- martin.maennich, 2022-04-29
- 4/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-04-22
- this class started with revision of verbs. He asked me lot of questions related to verbs, counting. He introduced Zeby and Bo. I am enjoying my polish journey with Janusz and within 15 classes or so i have been able to speak lot of Polish
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-04-18
- In this class apart from doing revision around the verbs. We learned from 11-30. One of the best part is the revision that is being done . He ask me questions again and again which help me remembers words. In no time i have covered 2 units
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-04-13
- Janusz has helped me learned me memorize 8 verbs. He has asked me question related to verbs repeatedly which has helped me to remember it
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-04-11
- Janusz has really helped me practice and master verb.
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-04-08
- Janusz has really helped me practise and master verb.
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-04-04
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-03-30
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-03-28
- 5/5
- wojcikt, 2022-03-26
- Awesome lesson, always gives me a lesson on things I enjoy
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-03-25
- Dziękuję bardzo... i have been able to learn a lot in polish in a weeks time...it is because of your guidance and effort...thank you so much !!
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-03-23
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-03-21
- 5/5
- anuj.chopra2002, 2022-03-18
- i loved my 1st lesson with Janusz. I am confident with him. I will be become better in Polish.
- 5/5
- ValentinoUrbano, 2022-03-14
- 4/5
- Alexander17, 2021-11-26
- Great lesson !!!!
- 5/5
- dvw113, 2021-11-13
- I have been taking lessons from Janusz for about 6 months. He is a fabulous tutor! He is always encouraging and finds ways to help with your individual weaknesses. I can't speak for everyone but I feel as if he tailors lessons for me. Janusz continually finds methods to strengthen the different aspects of learning , specifically what is challenging or difficult for me. He does not worry about "moving quickly" but more with ensuring that I learn what we are working on before we advance to the next lesson. He is a teacher who is very engaged with teaching the individual student. I highly recommend him! You will not be disappointed.
- 5/5
- korffm, 2021-11-10
- A very helpful first lesson.
- 5/5
- woz9999, 2021-10-27
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2021-10-22
- The Jedi Knight of Polish Grammar
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-09-03
- Super lekcja! Dzięki Januszowi uczę się polskiego szybko i zawsze jest dobra zabawa!
- 5/5
- beaylott1986, 2021-09-01
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2021-07-30
- Excellent lesson, as usual, very engaging, making steady progress thanks to Janusz's patience and encyclopedic knowledge of the Polish language.
- 5/5
- pompik, 2021-06-25
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-06-22
- Thanks again for a great lesson and your never ending patience! :)
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-05-28
- Dziękuję za interesującą lekcję!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2021-05-25
- Great lesson as usual.
- 5/5
- Polina91, 2021-05-22
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2021-05-15
- An important lesson about numbers and years in Polish. Hard and quite frustrating, but necessary. Thanks, Janusz, for guiding me through this jungle.
- 5/5
- dvw113, 2021-05-15
- I have had three classes with Janusz. I find him not only knowledgeable but also personable. He makes learning/reviewing easy and fun. He is encouraging for the elements of the language you find challenging and the lessons are so engaging so that time flies! I highly recommend Janusz!
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2021-05-08
- Very good lesson!
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-05-07
- Dziękuję za dobrą lekcję!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2021-05-04
- Another fun lesson. Thanks.
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2021-05-01
- This was a very special lesson. Janusz had prepared a text that corresponded to my explicit wishes for a certain type of vocabulary. It was perfect for me!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2021-04-27
- Nice lesson, Thanks.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-04-24
- Great lesson today as usual :)
- 5/5
- Mikaela, 2021-04-21
- Great lesson!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2021-04-20
- Another great lesson, Thanks
- 5/5
- Mikaela, 2021-04-17
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2021-04-17
- 5/5
- Mikaela, 2021-04-14
- Today was a fun lesson :)
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2021-04-13
- Great lesson and learnt a lot. I can really see that my vocabulary is improving every week.
- 5/5
- Mikaela, 2021-04-10
- 5/5
- papasmurfrt, 2021-04-10
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-04-09
- Janusz encourages me which gives me the initiative to do my best in learning Polish. I am so grateful that Janusz is my teacher.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-04-09
- Today we had a great lesson. Janusz was very patient in explaining the mysterys about dokonany and niedokonany :D The world of Harry Potter is nothing compared to all the magic and secrets in the polish language :D
- 5/5
- sandra_prater57, 2021-04-08
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-04-07
- I am very happy having Janusz as my Polish teacher. With each lesson I learn a little more Polish.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-04-07
- Great lesson, lots of new vocabulary
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-04-05
- Janusz jest świetny nauczyciel. Kiedy uczysz się polskiego, Janusz jest nąjlepszy nauczyciel.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-04-03
- Today's lesson was very helpful. :)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-04-02
- Janusz jest nąjlepszy nauczyciel. On jest bardzo świetny nauczyciel!
- 5/5
- sandra_prater57, 2021-04-01
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-03-31
- Janusz jest bardzo świetny nauczyciel.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-03-30
- Good lesson
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-03-29
- Janusz jest świetny nauczyciel! Ja bardzo uczę się Polskiego z Janusz. Dziękuję Janusz.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-03-27
- Great lesson today! :)
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2021-03-27
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-03-26
- Janusz is an excellent teacher. I am very glad he is my instructor. I am learning many new Polish words and phrases thanks to Janusz.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-03-26
- Thanks again for the great lesson. We will see us on Monday for lesson number 100!!! :-)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-03-24
- Janusz is an excellent teacher. I am so glad that I chose him to be my instructor. Janusz makes it enjoyable to learn the Polish language.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-03-23
- A very fun and informative lesson today :)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-03-22
- I am glad that Janusz is my teacher. I like the way he teaches the Polish language. He helps me to remember what I learned, so I'm able to recall past lessons and use them in the lessons that I'm working on in the present.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-03-22
- Znowu mieliśmy śmieszną lekcję! Dzięki!
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-03-20
- This was a great lesson!
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2021-03-20
- Very good lesson! I got to practice a lot of things that I had learned before but never practiced enough.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-03-19
- Janusz is a great teacher. He is patient when he sees I need a little encouragement remembering a polish word or phrase.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-03-17
- Janusz is an excellent teacher. He takes the time to make sure I understand the work and know the lessons. Dziękuję Janusz.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-03-16
- Great lesson today!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2021-03-16
- Useful revision and reinforcement today. Thanks.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-03-15
- Janusz is an excellent teacher. I am learning a great deal of the Polish language. He is very helpful when I am in need of encouragement. He Reinforces what I have learned from past lessons which is invaluable to me.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-03-15
- Dziś jest piętnasty marca dwa tysiące dwudziestego pierwszego roku i nauczyłem się, że będę miał następną lekcję dziewiętnastego marca dwa tysiące dwudziestego pierwszego roku.
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2021-03-13
- As always, I enjoyed the class and the intensive learning with Janusz.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-03-12
- Janusz is a very good teacher and mentor.
- 5/5
- majkanaw, 2021-03-10
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-03-10
- Janusz is very helpful and encourages me with my lessons. I appreciate this and am very grateful that he is my teacher.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-03-09
- Great lesson today. I really enjoy the complexity of the Polish language and Janusz is the best at explaining everything in a way that I can understand it.
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2021-03-09
- Creative, fun lesson today, Thanks.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-03-08
- Janusz is an excellent teacher. He knows what words and phrases I need to work on . I didn't realize how much I've learned since I started taking my Polish lessons with Janusz. He lets me know and encourages me on how far I've come. This gives me the initiative and desire to review past lessons and incorporate words from those lessons with the present lessons I'm working on.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-03-08
- Once more a great lesson, where i could learn and laugh a lot!
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-03-06
- So much useful information learned today. Thanks! :)
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2021-03-06
- Nice as usual!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-03-05
- Janusz has a very bright and engaging personality which makes it easy to learn from him. He's an excellent teacher. I'm glad that he's my teacher.
- 5/5
- Mikaela, 2021-03-04
- This was a great lesson as usual!
- 5/5
- sandra_prater57, 2021-03-04
- 5/5
- majkanaw, 2021-03-03
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-03-03
- Janusz is one of the best teachers I know that I am learning the most from. It is such a joy when I realize that I grasped and understood a word or phrase in Polish. I am confident that with Janusz as my teacher, I will continue to learn the Polish language.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-03-02
- This was a great lesson! :)
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2021-03-02
- Fun lesson as usual.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-03-01
- Janusz has given me so much incentive to want to learn more Polish. He is an incredible teacher and mentor. I hope to learn more of the Polish language and about it's customs and history in the future.
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2021-02-27
- Very good class.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-02-26
- My Polish lessons give me the initiative to learn more about Poland, it's people and customs. Learning Polish with Janusz has given me a greater insight into the Polskiego język. (Polish language). He knows how much I'm able to absorb and teaches me according to my learning potential.
- 5/5
- Mikaela, 2021-02-25
- Great lesson today with lots of new vocabulary!
- 5/5
- sandra_prater57, 2021-02-25
- 5/5
- majkanaw, 2021-02-24
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-02-24
- If I was starting to learn Polish and I would need to pick an instructor, I would pick Janusz. I chose Janusz a year ago and I'm glad I did. He's an excellent teacher and it's easy to learn with him. I've learned so many words and phrases since last year.
- 5/5
- Eash027, 2021-02-24
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2021-02-23
- Bardzo ciekawa lekcja
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2021-02-23
- Another cool lesson. Janusz concentrated on my listening comprehension today.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-02-22
- Janusz appreciates the effort and work I put into my lessons. By letting me know this, it gives me the initiative and enthusiasm and the desire to learn the Polish language.
- 5/5
- Eash027, 2021-02-22
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-02-20
- Lots of new vocabulary learned today along with some review. Thanks :)
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2021-02-20
- Great lesson as usual.
- 5/5
- majkanaw, 2021-02-20
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-02-19
- Janusz is very aware of any help I may need in learning any Polish words or phrases and that makes it easier to understand the material in the lessons.
- 5/5
- Mikaela, 2021-02-18
- My daughter is really enjoying her lessons with Janusz :)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-02-17
- Janusz is always giving me the encouragement and acknowledgement of my efforts to learn and persevere in my Polish lessons. This is a great help to me and I appreciate his taking an interest in my desire to continue learning the Polish language.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-02-16
- Today's lesson was great!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2021-02-16
- Advanced material today, but love that Janusz continually pushes my abilities to the limit.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-02-15
- Janusz is always ready to teach a lesson. He makes sure that at the end of the lesson I have learned and understood the content of the lesson. Janusz is always ready to help me if I need to work a little more on a lesson.
- 4/5
- m.fauche, 2021-02-14
- Great class, as usual. Janusz knows what I need to repeat, and always teaches me something new and interesting as well.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-02-13
- Today's lesson was really engaging and I feel like I learned a lot. Thank you! :)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-02-12
- Janusz is an excellent teacher. Learning Polish is exciting and enjoyable because it's gives me the satisfaction of learning a new language.
- 5/5
- Mikaela, 2021-02-11
- Great lesson! :)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-02-10
- Janusz jest pomagać mnie uczę się polskiego słowki. On jest bardzo świetny nauczyciel. Ja cieszę że on jest moj nauczyciel.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-02-09
- Janusz is always patient and explains everything really well.
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2021-02-09
- Excellent as always.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-02-08
- Janusz makes it easy for me to learn polish. I grew up with polish parents but I did not speak polish, even though I heard it often I didn't know too many words. When I decided to learn the polish language I recognized some of them from my youth. But even though there may be some people who aren't polish, I'm sure that since Janusz is such a good teacher, he would make it easy to learn the polish language.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-02-06
- Another fun and engaging lesson as usual!
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-02-06
- Very encouraging lesson:) thanks!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-02-05
- Cieszę się Janusz jest moj świetny nauczyciel. On jest bywały i rozumny. Ja widzę mogę ja mam nauczłem się dużo polskiego!
- 5/5
- sandra_prater57, 2021-02-04
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-02-03
- Janusz really helps me and encourages me during my lessons with him. He's an excellent teacher and is very amiable. By his compliments regarding my progress learning the polish language gives me the desire to continue my lessons and learning new words.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-02-02
- Very fun lesson!
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2021-02-02
- Zaczęliśmy się uczyć o przypadku dopełniacza
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2021-02-02
- Fun lesson and useful vocabulary. Now I'd be able to manage at the Hairdresser in Poland!
- 5/5
- Mikaela, 2021-02-01
- Janusz was extremely patient as usual. Thank you! :)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-02-01
- I really enjoy learning Polish. It's nice to know a language that I am familiar with.
There are words that I recall hearing while growing up at home. - 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-01-30
- Very useful information learned in today's lesson :)
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2021-01-30
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-01-29
- Cieszę się Janusz jest moj nauczyciel. On jest świetny nauczyciel! Dziękuję Janusz!
- 5/5
- sandra_prater57, 2021-01-28
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-01-27
- Dziękuję za bardzo dobrą lekcję!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-01-27
- Janusz jest świetny nauczyciel. Ja uczyę się polskiego z każdy lekcja. Dziękuję Janusz.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2021-01-27
- Greatt !!!!
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-01-26
- Great lesson today :)
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2021-01-26
- Janusz był dziś dla mnie bardzo cierpliwy
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2021-01-26
- Great lesson as usual, Thanks.
- 5/5
- Mikaela, 2021-01-25
- My daughter enjoyed the lesson today. She had fun and learned a lot of new words. :)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-01-25
- Janusz is an excellent Polish teacher. He is very accommodating which makes it easier to learn and a desire to learn.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2021-01-25
- Very enjoyable. Thanks Janusz !!!!
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-01-23
- Today's lesson was great. Lots of new and useful vocabulary and very engaging! Also, fun as usual :)
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-01-23
- Po prostu super :D
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-01-22
- Janusz is an excellent teacher, I would definitely recommend Janusz for a Polish teacher.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2021-01-22
- The next chapter begins.......good tutor support from Janusz, as usual !!!!
- 5/5
- Sean1211, 2021-01-22
- 5/5
- RostyaD, 2021-01-21
- Very good teacher
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-01-20
- Dziękuję za interesowaną lekcję :)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-01-20
- Janusz is a very good teacher. I am so glad that he is my teacher. He helps me by encouraging me when I am trying to remember a polish word or phrase.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-01-19
- Janusz spends a good amount of time having you formulate sentences which is extremely helpful. He is also very patient and encouraging.
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2021-01-19
- Challenging lesson today, but with Janusz it's always a fun lesson and never frustrating.
- 5/5
- Mikaela, 2021-01-18
- Janusz was very patient today with my daughter. She is really shy but he was so encouraging that he was able to get her speaking. Thank you, you're the best! :)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-01-18
- With Janusz' help I am able to learn polish words and how to pronounce them. He is an excellent instructor. He gives me time to remember words that I have learned in past lessons. I am looking forward to learning new words.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-01-17
- Thanks for a great lesson:)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-01-15
- Janusz is an excellent teacher. I am so glad that I chose him to be my instructor. I am learning many new words and it is nice to know that he appreciates my memories of growing up with family members who were Polish.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-01-14
- The lesson was very fun and engaging as usual. :)
- 5/5
- sandra_prater57, 2021-01-14
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-01-13
- Janusz takes the time to make sure that I am pronouncing polish words properly. He is enthusiastic when I remember words that I learned from previous lessons. This encourages me and gives me the confidence that I need to keep studying and trying my best.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-01-13
- Dziękuję, że powtórzyliśmy stare słowa. To pomagało mi :)
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-01-12
- Great lesson today! :)
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2021-01-12
- Excellent lesson!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2021-01-12
- Great lesson, thanks. I love the genuine satisfaction on Janusz's face when he realises in conversation that I'm using something he taught me.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-01-11
- With Janusz' help I am progressing steadily. Studying is very important and helps me to learn more effectively the polish language.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-01-09
- nauczyłem się dużo, też tego, że polski nigdy nie będzie łatwy ;-)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-01-08
- Janusz always takes the time to make sure I am familiar with new words. It helps me a great deal when he is patient when I'm trying to learn new words and remembering words or phrases from past lessons.
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2021-01-08
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-01-07
- Very engaging lesson today
- 5/5
- sandra_prater57, 2021-01-07
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-01-06
- Dobrze się dzisiaj bawiłem :)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-01-06
- Janusz jest świetny nauczyciel. On jest praca z mni. Ja szczęśliwy Janusz jest moj nauczyciel. Uczyć się dużo polskiego.
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2021-01-06
- Another fun lesson up to the usual high standard.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-01-05
- The lesson was great :)
- 5/5
- siarhei.nits, 2021-01-05
- Bardzo dziękuję za lekcję!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-01-04
- Janusz always encourages me when I need to know how I'm doing regarding my lessons. And he applauds me when I am trying to do my best. I am grateful for that.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2021-01-02
- Challenging, but good lesson today :)
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2021-01-02
- Dziękuję za dobrą lekcję i jeszcze raz Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2021-01-01
- Janusz helps me and always has a positive attitude regarding my progress. I am very grateful to him for this. It gives me the fortitude I need to continue with my lessons. Sometimes I can get frustrated and am not sure how I'm doing, but Janusz keeps reminding me that I am making progress and this helps me and gives me confidence to persevere.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-12-30
- Janusz is very helpful. He encourages me when I need help remembering certain words or phrases. I'm so glad he has confidence in me. It helps me to have confidence in myself, that I can persevere when I'm struggling with a new word or phrase.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-12-29
- Awesome! :)
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-12-29
- Naprawdę ciekawa lekcja!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-12-29
- Nice lesson, with lots of Polish conversation!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-12-28
- I am really happy with my progress due to Janusz' hard work and dedication. He encourages me and helps me to be diligent in practicing and learning the Polish language.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-12-27
- Bardzo podobała mi się ta lekcja:)
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-12-26
- A very entertaining lesson today, like always.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-12-23
- Dziękuję bardzo na lekcję i wesołych świąt!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-12-23
- Janusz jest znakomita nauczyciel! (Janusz is an excellent teacher!) With Christmas around the corner, the lesson was very joyful and enthusiastic! Merry Christmas Everyone! Wesołych Świąt wszyscy!
- 5/5
- woz9999, 2020-12-23
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-12-22
- Great lesson as usual!
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-12-22
- Doskonała lekcja!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-12-22
- Very practical lesson - Polish language and cooking lesson in one! Thanks!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-12-21
- Wesołych Świąt! Merry Christmas! from Marysiu Stachnik i rodzina!
- 5/5
- AngelaBorbely, 2020-12-21
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-12-20
- Thank you for the last lesson of the year. I learned a lot through the exercises on the future tense and started to feel more comfortable with the grammar. Revising the plural forms was also very well needed. Great class.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-12-18
- I have much to be grateful for in learning Polish with Janusz. I love learning new words and recalling customs while I was growing up at home. Janusz provides the opportunities for me to remember phrases and expressions that I used to hear. I think that it was such a good idea to choose to study Polish, especially with the good teacher that Janusz is.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-12-17
- Awesome lesson, as usual.
- 5/5
- AngelaBorbely, 2020-12-17
- 5/5
- sandra_prater57, 2020-12-17
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-12-16
- dziękuję na lekcję!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-12-16
- Janusz encourages me and prompts me into a conversation in Polish which includes words which I've been studying. It gives me confidence in my ability to learn Polish.
- 5/5
- woz9999, 2020-12-16
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-12-15
- Very good lesson today.
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-12-15
- Doskonała lekcja!
- 5/5
- AngelaBorbely, 2020-12-15
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-12-15
- Another interesting lesson. Thanks.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-12-14
- I enjoy learning the Polish language with Janusz. He makes it easy for me to remember the words I'm learning and appreciate my Polish heritage.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-12-14
- Lessons are consistently good and very engaging
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-12-13
- Good lesson with interesting exercises to practice the future tense. Exactly what I needed!
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-12-12
- Great lesson today, lots of new vocabulary!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-12-12
- Lessons are consistently good and very engaging
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-12-12
- znowu uczyłem się dużo :)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-12-11
- Janusz is an excellent teacher. I'm learning a lot of new words, especially during this festive season when many words relate to the Christmas season!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-12-11
- Lessons are consistently good and very engaging
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-12-10
- Awesome!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-12-09
- This week I am learning words relating to the Christmas season. It is exciting and enjoyable . Janusz is using Christmas scenes which are helpful and makes it easier to remember words and phrases. Wesołych Świąt!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-12-09
- Lessons are consistently good and very engaging
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-12-09
- Znowu mieliśmy interesującą lekcję :)
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-12-08
- Excellent lesson!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-12-08
- Another fun lesson as usual. Thanks.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-12-07
- Janusz is an excellent teacher. I recommend him highly to those who are thinking about learning the polish language.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-12-07
- Lessons are consistently good and very engaging
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-12-06
- Tonight's lesson was very good as usual. Even though I was tired and had the impression that I couldn't remember anything, I finished the class with a good feeling and new hope. :-)
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-12-05
- Lessons are consistently good and very engaging
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-12-05
- dziękuję za lekcję :)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-12-04
- Janusz is very helpful. I am glad that I chose Janusz to be my tutor. He gives me the time I need to recall words that I've learned in past lessons. He also uses visual aids that help me to learn the polish language.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-12-04
- Lessons are consistently good and very engaging
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-12-03
- Great lesson. I enjoyed the challenge today. :D
- 5/5
- sandra_prater57, 2020-12-03
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-12-02
- Teraz znam Miejscownik, wuhu :-) dziękuję Janusz!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-12-02
- Janusz jest pomocny z moja lekcje. Uczyć się bardzo polskiego język z Janusz.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-12-02
- Lessons are consistently good and very engaging
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-12-01
- Very good lesson, lots of new vocabulary
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-12-01
- Super lesson!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-12-01
- Another great lesson, Thanks.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-11-30
- Janusz jest świetny nauczyciel. On jest bardzo pomocny.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-11-30
- Lessons are consistently good and very engaging
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-11-28
- Lessons are consistently good and very engaging
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-11-28
- Very good lesson. Janusz always gives me the time that I need, even when it takes a long time for me to remember words or find the right pronunciation. I appreciate that! No stress and in the same time, no waste of time.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-11-27
- Janusz is a very excellent teacher. I enjoy my lessons with him. It's exciting when I remember past lessons and material. I am learning every time I log on with Janusz for a lesson.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-11-27
- Very good, as usual.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-11-26
- Awesome lesson!
- 5/5
- sandra_prater57, 2020-11-26
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-11-25
- Janusz has a unique way of teaching a lesson. He encourages me to remember what I've learned in past lessons. We review during the first part of the lesson and then we go on to new material during the next part of the lesson. It is very helpful.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-11-25
- Consistently good and engaging
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-11-24
- Very helpful lesson!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-11-24
- Learning Polish with Janusz is a lot of fun. Yet another highly enjoyable and educational lesson. Thanks!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-11-23
- Learning Polish is a rewarding experience. As I'm being taught by Janusz, I find that my enthusiasm and desire to do my best has increased. I enjoy the lessons and look forward to each one!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-11-23
- Consistently good and engaging
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-11-23
- Great lesson!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-11-22
- Consistently good and engaging
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-11-22
- Again a very good lesson with new challenges. One of the great things with his classes is the variation. It never gets boring.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-11-21
- Lessons are consistently good
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-11-20
- Janusz is a great teacher. On jest świetny nauczyciel!
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-11-19
- Nice and helpful lesson today
- 5/5
- sandra_prater57, 2020-11-19
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-11-18
- Znowu mieliśmy dobrą, zabawną lekcję :)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-11-18
- Janusz is an excellent teacher. It is not so easy for me to learn a new language, but with Janusz, I have been able to learn to speak polish, pronounce and understand the words. I have also been able to read the sentence with expression. For example: if the sentence is asking a question or making a statement.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-11-18
- Consistently good lessons, as usual !!
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-11-17
- Very engaging and fun lesson! :)
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-11-17
- Excellent lesson!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-11-17
- Janusz's friendly, patient manner, leaves me feeling very positive after every lesson.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-11-16
- I can see and perceive how well I am doing by my pronunciation of words and how I am able to remember them. Thanks to Janusz, he gives me the initiative and the desire to keep trying, not only for my benefit, but I can see how pleased Janusz is with my progress.
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-11-15
- Today I mainly practiced speaking and Janusz was as usual very encouraging, patient and observant.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-11-14
- Lessons are consistently good
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-11-14
- Nie mogę się doczekać na następną lekcję :)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-11-13
- Janusz is an excellent teacher. I would not have learned so many words and their meaning without his knowledgeable instruction. I am so grateful that I chose him for my tutor.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-11-13
- Lessons are consistently good
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-11-12
- Great lesson today!
- 5/5
- sandra_prater57, 2020-11-12
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-11-11
- Bardzo interesujące!
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-11-11
- Uczyłem się dużo :-)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-11-11
- Janusz is very helpful and encourages me which I appreciate.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-11-11
- Lessons are consistently good
- 5/5
- ivansdino, 2020-11-10
- Świetna lekcja!
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-11-10
- Amazing :)
- 5/5
- antonio.ballesteros, 2020-11-10
- Superb class!
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-11-10
- Super lesson!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-11-10
- Everyday I feel a little more confident when speaking Polish. Thanks Janusz.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-11-09
- Dziękuję Janusz! Ja robię postę! Ty jesteś świetny nauczyciel!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-11-09
- Lessons are consistently good
- 5/5
- antonio.ballesteros, 2020-11-09
- Super class! It is easy to learn Polish with you
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-11-07
- Lessons are consistently good
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-11-07
- Dziękuję na dobrą lekcję
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-11-06
- As I've been learning polish with Janusz, I can see that I am improving with my knowledge and pronunciation of older and newer words thanks to Janusz. He is patient and allows me to take the time to remember some phrases when we are reviewing.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-11-06
- Lessons are consistently good
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-11-05
- Awesome lesson! :)
- 5/5
- sandra_prater57, 2020-11-05
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-11-04
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-11-04
- I am so grateful to Janusz. On jest świetny Nauczyciel! Bardzo dziękuję Janusz!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-11-04
- Lessons are consistently good
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-11-03
- Awesome, as always
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-11-03
- Janusz is really supportive and he always encourages me. Thank you Janusz!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-11-03
- Janusz is very organised and his lessons are always well planned. He's also incredibly reliable, and lessons start exactly on time, every time!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-11-02
- Janusz encourages me when I need to be sure of a word that Janusz is reviewing with me. We review words from previous lessons for the first half of the lesson and then move on to a new part of the lesson. It helps me to remember words from previous lessons.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-11-02
- Lessons are consistently good
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-10-31
- Lessons are consistently good
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-10-31
- dobra lekcja:)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-10-30
- I really enjoy learning Polish with Janusz. He's is such a great help to me. Being able converse z moj nauczyciel is exciting and gives me much confidence.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-10-30
- Lessons are consistently well planned and at a good pace.
- 5/5
- sandra_prater57, 2020-10-29
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-10-29
- Very good lesson. Janusz is very patient.
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-10-29
- Very good lesson.
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-10-28
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-10-28
- Lubiłem bardzo tą lekcję :)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-10-28
- Learning the Polish language with Janusz is freeing up memories of the polish words I heard at home while growing up. The lessons with Janusz have helped me to remember and to learn new words. I am very grateful to him.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-10-28
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-10-27
- Awesome! :)
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-10-27
- A really great lesson.
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-10-27
- Another great lesson, Thanks!
- 5/5
- charrier.amandi, 2020-10-26
- Super jak zawsze
- 4/5
- marylou, 2020-10-26
- Janusz encourages me and gives me positive feed-back which gives me the initiative to keep trying and to do my best.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-10-26
- Excellent as usual. Lessons are consistently well planned and at a good pace.
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-10-25
- Janusz has helped me progress a lot. He keeps on doing a good job every time!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-10-24
- Excellent as usual. Lessons are consistently well planned and at a good pace.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-10-23
- Janusz is an excellent teacher. He takes time to make sure I can pronounce the words correctly.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-10-22
- Very good.
- 5/5
- charrier.amandi, 2020-10-22
- To było super!
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-10-22
- Very good lesson!
- 5/5
- ivansdino, 2020-10-21
- It was nice having a Polish lesson again with Janusz after being away for a bit
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-10-21
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-10-21
- Janusz is an excellent teacher. He makes sure I pronounce words correctly, and that I am able to understand them so that as I am reading the sentences I'm able to recognize the correct emotion indicated in the sentence.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-10-21
- Excellent as usual. Lessons are consistently well planned and at a good pace.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-10-21
- Dziękuję bardzo za interesującą lekcję!
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-10-20
- Very helpful lesson. Janusz is always so patient and encouraging.
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-10-20
- Great lesson!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-10-20
- I like that Janusz is always trying hard to extend my Polish. Today I learnt a lot of advanced vocabulary and useful expressions. Thanks!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-10-19
- Janusz makes it easy to learn new words. While I'm learning, it brings back memories of growing up at home in a polish household. I'm so glad I'm learning Polish from Janusz. He makes it interesting for me. I find myself looking at books about Poland and reading about my heritage.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-10-19
- Always good !!!!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-10-17
- Always good !!!!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-10-16
- despite the difficulties I may with new words, Janusz encourages me to stick with it. It gives me the incentive to keep trying and not give up. As a result it makes it easier to remember what I am learning.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-10-16
- Always good !!!!
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-10-15
- Fantastic!
- 5/5
- charrier.amandi, 2020-10-15
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-10-15
- Excellent lesson.
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-10-14
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-10-14
- Janusz is aware of how ambitious I am, and of my desire to learn. He encourages me to keep studying and to practice the pronunciation of the words I am learning , and send him vocal recordings so he can check to see how my pronunciation is coming along. Janusz is an excellent teacher and mentor.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-10-14
- Good revision !!
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-10-13
- Janusz really tries his best to get you talking more, it's great!
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-10-13
- Really good lesson.
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-10-13
- Excellent lesson perfectly matched to my abilities.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-10-12
- Janusz is a big help to me. He helps me to keep on track during the lessons. It amazes me when I'm able to remember words from previous lessons. Janusz is an excellent teacher and I am so glad that I chose him to be my tutor. Thank you Janusz.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-10-12
- Very good !!
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-10-11
- Very nice class. I had previously expressed my wish to practice some specific things, and we did just that. Janusz is very flexible and makes sure that you learn what you want to learn.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-10-10
- Very good revision !!
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-10-10
- Thanks Janusz for an encouraging lesson:)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-10-09
- Janusz understands my abilities regarding my aptitude and reasoning. He is aware of the simplicity or difficulty associated with the word and how it is used in a sentence.
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-10-09
- Super!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-10-09
- Really enjoyable lesson, thank you !!!!
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-10-08
- Dzięki Janusz!
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-10-08
- A really good lesson!
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-10-07
- Dziękuję za dobrą lekcję!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-10-07
- Janusz makes sure that I understand the words I am learning. We go over them until I am sure how to pronounce them correctly and understand their meaning.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-10-07
- Very interesting and engaging, thank you !!!!
- 5/5
- Nocturne48, 2020-10-06
- Janusz is a great teacher, I think I will learn a lot from him!
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-10-06
- Super lesson!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-10-06
- Another great lesson, Thanks Janusz!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-10-05
- Janusz is very helpful in encouraging me and being supportive of my abilities and efforts to study and learn the Polish language.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-10-05
- Excellent lesson, thank you !!!!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-10-03
- Very good !!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-10-02
- Janusz is patient with me when it I am having some trouble with a certain concept, and I appreciate that.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-10-02
- Thanks for the lesson:) i enjoyed it:)
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-10-02
- Great lesson, thanks Janusz!!!
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-10-01
- Bardzo dziękuję, Janusz!
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-10-01
- Doskonała lekcja, jak zawsze.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-09-30
- Janusz has a very agreeable personality which makes it easy to respond to his teaching methods and retain what I've been learning.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-09-30
- Great lesson, as usual, thanks Janusz.
- 5/5
- woz9999, 2020-09-30
- 5/5
- charrier.amandi, 2020-09-29
- Great as usual
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-09-29
- Great lesson!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-09-29
- Challenging lesson, but Janusz was as patient as always.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-09-28
- We repeated some older words, what happend to be a good idea ;-)
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-09-28
- Whenever I'm learning new words, Janusz helps me by sounding out the word and breaking the word up into syllables so it would be easier to learn.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-09-28
- Nice summary of what we have covered. Very good. Thank you.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-09-26
- Great lesson, thanks Janusz !!
- 5/5
- woz9999, 2020-09-26
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-09-25
- I am very grateful that I chose Janusz to be my teacher. He lets me know how to pronounce the Polish words and what words I need to work on more. He initiates a plan regarding my lessons. He is an excellent teacher.
- 5/5
- charrier.amandi, 2020-09-25
- to było super!
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-09-24
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-09-24
- Excellent lesson!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-09-23
- Janusz is an excellent teacher. He believes in preparation before each lesson to make it easier to learn the content of the exercises on the day of the lesson. Happy Birthday Janusz! Wszystkiego najlepszego z urodzin!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-09-23
- Good lesson !!!!
- 5/5
- woz9999, 2020-09-23
- 5/5
- charrier.amandi, 2020-09-22
- Great lesson!
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-09-22
- An excellent lesson as always. Today Janusz gave me another long term learning tactic that will be very useful.
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-09-22
- Thanks Janusz. The role-play was fun, but you make a much better Polish teacher than doctor Hahaha! Nice lesson.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-09-21
- Janusz helps me by making sure that I understand the meaning and pronunciation of the words in my lessons. I am grateful for that because it helps me to be more productive in learning the Polish language.
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-09-20
- Very nice class. I learned new interesting things. It's great that Janusz is always correcting pronunciation.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-09-19
- Good pace !!!!
- 5/5
- woz9999, 2020-09-19
- Great, thanks!
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-09-19
- Wszystko świetnie! Dziękuję Janusz.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-09-18
- I like Janusz because he works along with me and allows me to learn at my own pace which is very helpful.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-09-18
- Dziękuję, bardzo dobra lekcja !!!!
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-09-17
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-09-16
- Janusz is very dedicated. Because of this I am able to benefit from his knowledge and his lessons.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-09-16
- Janusz jest bardzo cierpliwym i dokładnym nauczycielem. Dziękuję Ci !!
- 5/5
- woz9999, 2020-09-16
- Great thanks
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-09-15
- On jest bardzo dobry. Cierpliwy i dokładny!
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-09-15
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-09-15
- Great lesson. I can't get over the fact that Janusz writes material and creates exercises especially for me. Amazing!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-09-14
- Janusz is an excellent teacher. He makes learning Polish interesting and educational. He reinforces the process of learning new words and using them in sentences.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-09-14
- Thanks Janusz, always interesting and engaging !!!!
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-09-13
- Very good lesson again. We were revising stuff that I studied before the summer break, which was very useful for me. Janusz helps me to get my motivation and confidence back. I'm looking forward to our next class.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-09-12
- Excellent
- 5/5
- woz9999, 2020-09-12
- Excellent, thanks
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-09-11
- Janusz uses patience and encourages me to have a desire and willingness to learn. Bardzo Dzięnkuję Janusz!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-09-11
- Great lesson, easy to follow!!
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-09-10
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-09-09
- Janusz encourages me and supports my efforts while I'm learning the Polish language. Bardzo Dziękuję Janusz!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-09-09
- Learning lot's of new things. Good pace. Very good platform.
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-09-08
- Bardzo dobra. Intensywnie uczę się języka polskiego.
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-09-08
- Lots of new vocabulary today and more grammar! Very interesting and quite challenging. Thank you :)
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-09-08
- Nice lesson. Learnt a heap of new words.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-09-07
- Janusz is an excellent teacher. Bardzo Dziękuję Janusz!
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-09-06
- This was the first class again after a long summer break. I was afraid that I would have forgotten everything, that was how I felt. But Janusz helped me get back on track and reassured me. I realized that I could remember more than I first thought, so this means that Janusz's methods are actually working! :-)
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-09-05
- Great !!
- 5/5
- woz9999, 2020-09-05
- Great, thanks
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-09-05
- Very interesting lesson - slowly learning about Polish history, too.
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-09-04
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-09-04
- Great lesson. Thank you !!!!
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-09-03
- Excellent lesson! Thank you!
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-09-02
- Great teacher
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-09-02
- I am so glad that Janusz is my instructor. He has helped me and encouraged me to learn new materials. I feel at times that I'm beginning to not only speak the words, but I'm feeling more comfortable as it becomes easier to pronounce them. Thank you Janusz! You're an excellent teacher! Bardzo Dziękuję!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-09-02
- Good pace. Thank you !!!
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-09-02
- i havn‘t had to much time to practice myself, so we did that a lot during the lesson, which was just the right thing to do:)
- 5/5
- ivansdino, 2020-09-02
- Another great lesson like always!
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-09-01
- Janusz encouraged me to ask a lot of questions and, as always, gave me valuable feedback re accuracy and pronunciation.
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-09-01
- Another well prepared and fun lesson. Thanks.
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-08-31
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-08-31
- Great lesson, thank you !!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-08-29
- Engaging, relaxed and very enjoyable. Thank you Janusz !!!!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-08-28
- Engaging, relaxed and very enjoyable.
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-08-28
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-08-27
- Bardzo dobrze. Really feel as though my Polish is coming along with each lesson.
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-08-27
- Janusz encouraged me to create more of my own questions and we will incorporate this into our lessons more from now on.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-08-27
- it was a helpfull lesson:)
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-08-26
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-08-26
- Very accessible, good pace
- 5/5
- ivansdino, 2020-08-26
- Kolejna wspaniała lekcja!
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-08-25
- Great lesson, some more challenging questions and excellent technical support when I couldn't access the lesson myself.
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-08-25
- Challenging lesson, but as always Janusz is very encouraging and supportive.
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-08-24
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-08-24
- Engaging, relaxed and very enjoyable.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-08-23
- znowu uczyłem się dużo:)
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-08-23
- Engaging and relaxed
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-08-22
- Engaging, relaxed and very enjoyable.
- 5/5
- woz9999, 2020-08-22
- Great first lesson, thanks very much!
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-08-21
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-08-20
- Janusz introduced a lot of useful vocabulary and gave me important pronunciation feedback. A very good lesson!
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-08-19
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-08-19
- I really appreciated it how much we talked in polish today. Not to many new things, but i still learned a lot:) liked it very much, jak zawsze
- 5/5
- ivansdino, 2020-08-19
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-08-18
- Excellent lesson even though it was difficult because of noise at my end.
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-08-18
- Learnt a lot of very useful idioms today. Thanks Janusz!
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-08-17
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-08-14
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-08-13
- Janusz always sets the right amount of homework between lessons, less between Tuesday and Thursday and more between Thursday and Tuesday. I feel challenged but never overwhelmed.
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-08-12
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-08-12
- moje studia w języku polskim z Janusza są interesująca i przyjemna. On jest świetnie nauczyciel.
- 5/5
- ivansdino, 2020-08-12
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-08-11
- Janusz helped me a lot today as I had missed a week (on holiday) so I was a bit nervous. He was really understanding and supportive while encouraging me to keep going : )
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-08-11
- Thanks, Janusz, another valuable lesson. Thanks too, for taking so much of your own time to meticulously check all my homework.
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-08-10
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- ivansdino, 2020-08-06
- Janusz is a very patient teacher and explains very clearly. He types notes during the lesson which I can look back at after the lesson. Overall I enjoyed my first lesson with him and look forward to more.
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-08-05
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-08-04
- Another interesting , fun lesson with lots of new vocabulary.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-08-03
- znowu uczyłem się dużo :)
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-08-03
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-07-31
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-07-30
- We covered quite a lot today and Janusz explained a complicated grammatical point really well. Thank you!
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-07-29
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-07-28
- Janusz makes sure I work hard and he gives me constant encouragement. I'm really glad I chose him to help me learn Polish.
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-07-28
- Fantastic lesson yet again. Thanks.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-07-27
- Very engaging, good pace and very enjoyable. Thanks Janusz for making what seems impossible, possible !!!!
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-07-27
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-07-25
- Bardzo fascynujący!
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-07-24
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-07-23
- Janusz is helping me to understand the grammar, learn the vocabulary and improve my pronunciation. I feel like I'm learning a lot.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-07-22
- Moja nauczycielem jest Świetnie! Janusz encourages me and inspires me to reach further within myself and to make an enthusiastic effort to reach my goals. I am very grateful to him for helping me know the Polish language. He has helped me to recognize and remember the language and customs I grew up with. Bardzo Dziękuję Janusz!
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-07-22
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-07-21
- Janusz makes sure that I continue to learn and review new vocabulary, he continually checks that I understand new concepts, and he gives pronunciation feedback in a very supportive way. His use of praise also motivates me in every lesson. I feel like I am making good progress.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-07-21
- It was again a very cool lesson:) Thanks to Janusz i can see my progress!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-07-21
- Janusz will often return to previous lessons to reinforce concepts, vocabulary, and consolidate previous learning.
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-07-20
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-07-17
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-07-16
- Janusz always tests me to make sure that I have done my homework and learned and remembered new vocabulary. He encourages me and gives me supportive feedback when I make mistakes of grammar or pronunciation. He's an excellent teacher and I'm really learning a lot.
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-07-14
- Yet another excellent lesson. Thanks Janusz.
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-07-13
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-07-10
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-07-09
- Janusz tested my recall of vocabulary from previous lessons and encouraged me to use the words in sentences. He also explained the new structures in lesson 4 and set me enough homework to keep me busy. I'm really enjoying our lessons, he's a really good teacher.
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-07-08
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-07-07
- Janusz is making me speak more, which is great. He explains ideas and concepts really well.
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-07-07
- Very patient, Thanks Janusz!
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-07-06
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-07-06
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-07-03
- Very good !!!!
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-07-03
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-07-02
- Excellent lesson, Janusz is really patient with me :)
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-07-01
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- FrankHerbert, 2020-06-30
- Janusz is an excellent teacher. I'm really looking forward to learning Polish with him.
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-06-30
- Janusz somehow manages to find interesting and entertaining material at the right level for every lesson.
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-06-29
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- BushinO, 2020-06-27
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-06-26
- I had forgotten a lot and had not had time to study lately. Janusz got me back on track.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-06-26
- Excellent !!!!
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-06-26
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- BushinO, 2020-06-25
- Great teaching! Thank you Janusz!
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-06-24
- Lekcja była bardzo interesująca :-)
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-06-24
- Good support from Janusz !
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-06-24
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-06-23
- Highly entertaining and educational at the same time. Great lesson.
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-06-22
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-06-19
- Very engaging, good pace. Thank you Janusz !!
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-06-19
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-06-19
- Great teacher, flexible and iteractive.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-06-17
- I've noticed that with Janusz's help my pronunciation of the Polish language has been improving. The lessons Janusz sends me have helped me to expand my knowledge of the Polish language. He is very experienced in teaching not only the articulation of the language, but also the grammatical concepts that are important in gaining knowledge of any language.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-06-17
- Great lesson. Thank you !
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-06-17
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-06-16
- Janusz spends a lot of his own time preparing your lessons and correcting your homework. With Janusz, you get a lot more than just a simple on-line chat.
- 5/5
- charrier.amandi, 2020-06-15
- Good lesson as usual :D
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-06-15
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-06-15
- Great teaching with lots of repetition and practice to drill in the concepts.
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-06-12
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-06-12
- Engaging, relaxed and very enjoyable. Thank you Janusz !!!!
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-06-12
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-06-11
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-06-10
- Excellent !!
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-06-10
- Lots of extra effort, great teacher
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-06-09
- Great lesson with lots of new useful vocabulary.
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-06-08
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-06-06
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-06-05
- Today we tried a new method. I really appreciated that Janusz had asked me before if I was interested in the new learning material. I also had been given the opportunity to choose the content, so that the vocabulary would be relevant for my needs. Very good class, as usual.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-06-05
- świetna lekca. Dobre tempo !!
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-06-05
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-06-03
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-06-02
- Great lesson. Thanks.
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-06-01
- Great lesson. Thank you Janusz!!!
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-06-01
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-06-01
- Excellent teacher
- 5/5
- charrier.amandi, 2020-05-31
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-05-29
- Excellent lesson. We went through "old" vocabulary again and repeated some very useful exercises. I really appreciated this repetition since it helped me to consolidate what I've studied and not just rush through to the next thing. Very good teaching methods!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-05-29
- Excellent !
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-05-29
- Great teaching methods
- 5/5
- charrier.amandi, 2020-05-27
- Good lesson as usual :)
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-05-27
- Another great lesson.
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-05-26
- Another packed, very well planned lesson. Thanks!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-05-25
- Janusz always encourages me and keeps me posted as to how I am doing. I'm so grateful to him. With every lesson I am reminded of my past and the life style and conversations I heard as a child between my parents, my grandparents and my aunts and uncles. It is very important to me that I am able to recapture my Polish Heritage and be proud that I am Polish!
- 5/5
- Alexander17, 2020-05-25
- I'm very happy with my first lesson and have decided to take further lessons with Janusz
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-05-25
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-05-24
- Very intense and very efficient as usual. Janusz pays attention to every detail in order to get it all right!
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-05-23
- My Polish improves with each lesson!
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-05-21
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-05-21
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-05-19
- Another great lesson! Janusz always prepares effective and engaging lessons.
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-05-19
- Another great lesson, with a lot of very useful vocabulary.
- 5/5
- charrier.amandi, 2020-05-18
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-05-18
- Great teaching methods
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-05-17
- To było super:)
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-05-17
- Another excellent lesson. I come away with the rare feeling that I've learned a lot.
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-05-16
- 5/5
- akari, 2020-05-16
- The lesson was very informative and the atmosphere was positive.
The exercises were engaging and focused to work with my problems areas.
Additional blackboard and notes were useful to fill the lexical gaps.
Thank you very much for the lesson! - 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-05-15
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-05-12
- Thanks Janusz. Another lesson perfectly tailored to my interests and abilities.
- 5/5
- charrier.amandi, 2020-05-11
- 5/5
- Jason_Osborne7, 2020-05-10
- Very engaging first lesson
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-05-09
- Very good lesson, as usual. Janusz always makes sure that I work hard during each class, and that I make progress. He's very attentive and patient. When I ask a grammatical question, I always get an accurate and clear answer, which I really appreciate.
- 5/5
- charrier.amandi, 2020-05-06
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-05-06
- Janusz has been very helpful and encouraging me when I'm not sure about my progress. I am so glad I chose him for my instructor. My pronunciation is improving and I look forward to each lesson with Janusz.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-05-05
- To było super, dzięki!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-05-05
- Janusz is able to explain things more clearly than any other teacher I've had.
- 5/5
- charrier.amandi, 2020-05-02
- I had a great lesson with Janusz, the method he uses to teach Polish is very beneficial to me and I can already see great progress.
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-05-02
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-04-29
- Very engaging lesson! My Polish improves more and more each time!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-04-28
- Thanks for the lesson. Learnt a lot and had fun as usual !
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-04-27
- Great teacher
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-04-25
- motivating as always:)
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-04-25
- I felt tired today, and hadn't managed to study a lot, but once the lesson started I got my motivation back and spent a nice moment. I did interesting and useful grammar exercises, got new insights about pronunciation and learned some very crucial vocabulary.
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-04-24
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-04-23
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-04-22
- I always learn a lot and get answers to my questions.
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-04-21
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-04-21
- fun as always:)
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-04-21
- Fantastic lesson, Thanks Janusz. Great teacher, great sense of humour, what more can you ask for?
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-04-19
- Excellent class, as usual.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-04-18
- really cool again!
- 5/5
- charrier.amandi, 2020-04-17
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-04-17
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-04-17
- Great teacher. Lots of materials and initiative.
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-04-16
- Great lesson!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-04-15
- I look forward to my Polish lessons with Janusz Rudzki. He encourages me and supports my efforts, which helps me to be more enthusiastic and optimistic concerning my abilities to learn the Polish language.
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-04-15
- learned a lot:) i'm looking forward to the next lesson
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-04-14
- Excellent lesson as always!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-04-14
- Great lesson, Thanks Janusz. I find it amazing that you can always figure out what I'm trying to say !
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-04-13
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-04-11
- Thanks to Janusz my Polish is really improving!
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-04-11
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-04-10
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-04-09
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-04-08
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-04-07
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-04-07
- In every lesson Janusz includes something to challenge and extend my Polish. Thanks Janusz!
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-04-06
- 5/5
- m.fauche, 2020-04-05
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-04-03
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-04-03
- Great teacher. lots of extra work and effort. Thank you.
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-04-02
- I learn so much each lesson!
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-03-31
- Great lesson as always!
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-03-31
- Janusz puts a lot of thought into each lesson plan. Every lesson is at exactly the right level, and tailored to the students' interests. Highly recommended.
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-03-30
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-03-27
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-03-27
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-03-27
- Great teacher, motivator, puts in a lot of extra effort into each lesson. Thank you.
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-03-26
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-03-25
- Lessons with Janusz are always engaging! He is very motivating and I see progress in my Polish after each lesson.
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-03-25
- Thanks Janusz, great lesson. This one hour goes too fast !
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-03-24
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-03-23
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-03-21
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-03-20
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-03-18
- :)
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-03-17
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-03-16
- thank you very much janusz
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-03-15
- nauczyłem się dużo:)
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-03-13
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-03-11
- 5/5
- cedipedi, 2020-03-07
- great start:)
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-03-06
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-03-05
- I can't wait the next lesson. thanks Janusz
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-03-03
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-03-02
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-03-02
- Thanks Janusz for taking so much of your own time to carefully check my homework.
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-02-28
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-02-26
- thank you for your patience Janusz , you are the best
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-02-25
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-02-25
- Another very well planned, entertaining lesson.
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-02-24
- I am learning a lot. Janusz has helped me to recall some of the words I heard while growing up. I'm learning many new words. He helps me to sound them out so I can pronounce them more easily.
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-02-24
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-02-21
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-02-19
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-02-18
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-02-18
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-02-17
- another enjoyable hour. thank you Janusz
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-02-14
- 5/5
- Richard2020, 2020-02-14
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-02-14
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-02-11
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-02-11
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-02-10
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-02-07
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-02-06
- Jestes najlepszy . it was another joyful class. Dzieki Janusz
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-02-04
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-02-04
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-02-03
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-01-31
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-01-31
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-01-30
- thanks to Janusz, I almost speak Polish
- 5/5
- robert_mclauchlan, 2020-01-30
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-01-27
- a very productive course. I learned and had fun
- 5/5
- pdk27, 2020-01-26
- As usual Janusz provides a very relaxed environment that is key in learning any subject. He is very knowledgeable in learning languages from his own experiences and tailors his skills to help you overcome your specific problems. I highly recommend taking a class with Janusz.
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-01-24
- 5/5
- andyheyser, 2020-01-23
- I loved the lesson, the teacher was great, he explained everthing in a way that was easy to understand and used different resources, he helped me with my pronunciation and gave me tips to learn the vocabulary. I highly recommend to take a class with Janusz.
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-01-22
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-01-21
- 5/5
- beki_ickle1, 2020-01-20
- Janusz is a brilliant teacher, he always makes sure you understand what you are learning, and keeps you interested and inspired. He continues to encourage you outside the lesson too with different goals and interesting work to practise. I know with Janusz I can achieve the level of Polish that I have always wanted to.
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-01-19
- 5/5
- mr_orfe, 2020-01-18
- he is so motivational teacher and soo funny come on. I think he is the best teacher in the world i ve ever seen. He always care about you. For example what should you study or how many hour do you need ...
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-01-17
- 5/5
- berkeleychick31, 2020-01-16
- I had a great lesson with Janusz! He always explains things really clearly and in a way I can understand. He comes up with fun ways to learn Polish and takes my interests into consideration. He's a great teacher!
- 5/5
- marylou, 2020-01-15
- The lessons with Janusz are helping me to remember words that were spoken at home while I was growing up. I'm glad that I have this opportunity to study and learn to use the polish language. Janusz is very helpful and I'm thankful for his help.
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-01-14
- great
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-01-14
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-01-10
- Excellent, as always.
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-01-09
- Janusz is a great teacher. everything is so clear. he explains everything very good. not only during the lesson also he is helpful after lessons.
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-01-07
- Another great lesson - I feel like I learn more each lesson and my Polish is really improving!
- 5/5
- emraholgac, 2020-01-06
- 5/5
- lauramchinn, 2020-01-02
- Great lesson! His english is perfect and he is very thorough in explanations while being committed to helping me understand the topics for our lesson.
- 5/5