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Order in Polish phrases...

Order in Polish phrases...
Is the order of words in polish phrases importante?
Because of conjugation & delcination rules how to build frases aren't so strict, for example verb in many cases could be at the begining or at the end of phrases. But be careful because in polish gramma coma sometimes has a huge role =)
[quote:AsiA]Because of conjugation & delcination rules how to build frases aren't so strict, for example verb in many cases could be at the begining or at the end of phrases. But be careful because in polish gramma coma sometimes has a huge role =)[/quote]

Yeah, it's true sometimes this realy small symbol can change everything. So do you have in polish gramma same rules how to use coma?
[quote:caroline][quote:AsiA]Because of conjugation & delcination rules how to build frases aren't so strict, for example verb in many cases could be at the begining or at the end of phrases. But be careful because in polish gramma coma sometimes has a huge role =)[/quote]

Yeah, it's true sometimes this realy small symbol can change everything. So do you have in polish gramma same rules how to use coma?[/quote]

There is a few general rules and you can find this in every gramma-book; but I can write here this the most importante, do u want? :)
[quote:AsiA][quote:caroline][quote:AsiA]Because of conjugation & delcination rules how to build frases aren't so strict, for example verb in many cases could be at the begining or at the end of phrases. But be careful because in polish gramma coma sometimes has a huge role =)[/quote]

Yeah, it's true sometimes this realy small symbol can change everything. So do you have in polish gramma same rules how to use coma?[/quote]

There is a few general rules and you can find this in every gramma-book; but I can write here this the most importante, do u want? :)[/quote]

Yeah, of course, it would be great!!!
[quote:maggi][quote:AsiA][quote:caroline][quote:AsiA]Because of conjugation & delcination rules how to build frases aren't so strict, for example verb in many cases could be at the begining or at the end of phrases. But be careful because in polish gramma coma sometimes has a huge role =)[/quote]

Yeah, it's true sometimes this realy small symbol can change everything. So do you have in polish gramma same rules how to use coma?[/quote]

There is a few general rules and you can find this in every gramma-book; but I can write here this the most importante, do u want? :)[/quote]

Yeah, of course, it would be great!!![/quote]

1. when you use a lot of adjectives u should separate all using coma
2. always before a few very specific words - który, która, które,- u have to use coma:
3. always before że - u have to use coma, but there is exception!!! u don't use coma in this cases: mimo że, pomimo że
So, it's everything what I remember now =)
opinia o kursie języka polskiego Ben
Huston (USA)

Zdecydowałem się uczyć polskiego przy pomocy nie bez wątpliwości. Teraz jednak – po dwóch miesiącach nauki – przyznaję była to dobra decyzja. Mając ograniczony czas na naukę program ten daje mi pełną elastyczność. Polecam wszystkim zainteresowanym językiem polskim!


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