Computer course
gillesdesjardin 2022-07-31 13:52 | Computer course I would be happy to study polish in a group from my computer on Saturday morning. |
sryczkowska 2022-08-01 10:33 | Dear Student, Thank you for your inquiry. Please take a look at our offer for polish courses: - in Kraków - group classes https://polish-courses.com/summer-school-of-polish-language-and-culture - online - group classes https://polish-courses.com/online-summer-school-of-polish-language-and-culture Please note that you can study only during the weekdays (from Monday till Friday). If you prefer to study only during the weekends there are some options for you: 1. Individual online classes with a Glossa School teacher https://polish-courses.com/one-to-one-online-polish-lessons 2. Individual online classes online with a teacher from our base https://e-polish.eu/en/polish_teachers_online 3. SELF-STUDY COURSES ONLINE a) e-coursebooks ''POLSKI krok po kroku'' Please see some demo version of the e-coursebook: https://e-polish.eu/ecoursebook/kurs/PKPK1/1-2 b) Online courses ''POLSKI krok po kroku'' (extended version of the e-coursebook) You can activate You can activate our FREE DEMO access to the ''POLSKI krok po kroku'' online courses and for 3 days https://docs.google.com/document/d/16QAD-z7v7-SKeCxfdeuVEUC5eDuiqIQcfY029tuwqjc/edit I hope my message was helpful but if you have additional questions, please contact me. Kind regards, Sylwia Ryczkowska-Blasi sylwia.ryczkowska-blasi@glossa.pl Admin |