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Expiration of e-coursebook?

Expiration of e-coursebook?
Hi, I purchased Krok po Kroku Polski Poziom 1, the textbook + the exercise book. I entered the codes on 21.06.2022, and am using the E-COURSEBOOKS to supplement my studies. On 05.08.2022 i received a warning message that my access to the e-coursebooks will expire on 06.08.2022. Why is my access to the e-coursebooks limited? Since it supplements the information in the coursebooks, I expected to have access to the e-coursebooks permanently. Did I do something wrong? Please help!
Thank you!

On 6th of August expires a demo version of your online course.
Online course is an extended version of the e-coursebook and it gives you the opportunity to learn the Polish language on your own in an effective way. The course includes exercises and materials (like the e-coursebook) and additionally:
+ hundreds of additional, alternative exercises
+ grammar comments and tables
+ vocabulary revision module (flashcards)
+ possibility to save your own notes

The access to your e-coursebook is for unlimited time. Even after the demo expires you still will be able to use your e-coursebook. Although you will lose access to the additional features.
You can purchase the online course with 55% discount if you wish. Here is an instruction on how to do it: Online course with a 55% discount

If you have any questions, email me directly.

Kind regards,
Anna Stryczek
Thank you so much for the explanation, I will determine if I need the extras after the trial version expires!
Nauka polskiego Rosa
Barcelona (Hiszpania)

To rzeczywiście działa! Świetna jest także konwencja kursu - coraz bardziej wciągam się w akcję i zaprzyjaźniam z bohaterami, a przy okazji wydaje mi się, że coraz lepiej rozumiem i mówię po polsku. Mój nauczyciel polskiego także jest zaskoczony moimi postępami ;-)

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