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Hi i wanted to know if it was possible to have access to the whole book

Hi i wanted to know if it was possible to have access to the whole book
I just finish Class_01 and i wanted to do the rest of the book with the help of the website. On the book it says that i can have access to the whole book on his website but it was only allowed me to access the 1st class. I'm learning polish all by myself and the website was keeping me motivated maintaining my studies. Sorry to write in English but i'm still learning polish so i didn't know how to write it.
Dear tuca!

Thank you for your message. You set the account at, but you have not provided the code form your textbook. This is necessary to unlocked the access to e-coursebook "Polski, krok po kroku 1". You can buy the online course with additional exercise and materials (the extended version), but it's up to you. If you want to use only basic version - the access that you will have from the book is O.K.

Please do not use the web browser Internet Explorer - the platform doesn't work with that one. Choose the Mozilla Firefox , Google Chrome or Opera. This is very important!

Please find the CD cover from your book- there will be the papercard with the code. Please, enter your individual access code, which is like this one: XXXX-VVVV-YYYY-ZZZZ

After that steps, you will be able to use the online course "Polski, krok po kroku 1" (the basic version) - in the main panel there are listed courses that you have.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Best regards,

Milena Łuksza
Thanks for your response Milena Łuksza,

I have already entered the code and received the first lesson online, but shouldn't i receive the complete book online? On the book that i have "Polski, Krok Po Kroku" it says that i would have access to the full book online. For me it's really important to have an extra help online because i am learning all by myself and the book its 100% in Polish(which is good ) but now because i am a beginner i have to search for almost every word while on this website gives me the translation only by cliking on the word. It gives me more motivation to study polish every day.

Dear Tuca,

You can use the full online course "Polski, krok po kroku 1" - in the main panel there are listed courses that you have. I sent you the mail with some 'printscreen' - it will be easier to point the right course, I suppose you still use the 'Demo course' (with the first lesson only).
To use the answer key for exercise, you need to provide the ExerciseID to proper box - check your upper right side of the panel. The ExerciseID is printed next to each exercise's name in your textbook (look for the grey characters like 102B1).

Hope to help you. Regards,

Milena Łuksza
Antonio w szkole języka polskiego
Bruksela (Belgia)

Próbowałem uczyć się kilku języków online, ale szybko się zniechęcałem, bo albo kurs był za bardzo komunikacyjny, albo też za bardzo ‘tradycyjny’. Polskiego nie miałem możliwości uczyć się inaczej jak tylko online, więc bez przekonania, ale zarejestrowałem się na kurs na Ku mojemu zdziwieniu, tutaj po raz pierwszy spotykam się z kursem, gdzie metodzie komunikacyjnej towarzyszy rzetelny komentarz gramatyczny. Na początku kursu sięgałem do niego dość często, teraz przekonałem się że materiał jest tak fantastycznie przygotowany, iż jest to zbędne. Faktycznie uczę się teraz czysto komunikacyjnie!


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