Oksana Domnenko

Oksana Domnenko
Sprachlehrkräfte für Polnisch als Fremdsprache

Oksana Domnenko
Online realisierte Stunden:60
Autor der Übungen auf e-polish.eu:NEIN
Stellt die Rechnungen aus:nein
Preis:1 Lektion — 55 PLN/12 EURi
10 Lessons — 533 PLN/122 EURi
20 Lessons — 1034 PLN/237 EURi
30 Lessons — 1518 PLN/349 EURi

Über mich

Welcome to my profile!
I am Oksana.
I come from Ukraine, from the south-east of our country. I currently live in Kyjiwi.
I have special ties with Poland - I lived in Poland for 10 years, and a year ago, in the first days of the war in Ukraine, I came to Poland again and stayed in Warsaw for 5 months. I returned, regardless of great job offers and my family's wishes, to Kyjiwa to be at home, in my life, with my people. And a few months of support, help and warmth that I met in Poland enriched me with an amazing experience of working in international charity organizations supporting Ukraine, and translation activities for TVN24 Discovery.
For this reason, after returning to Kyjiv, I did not immediately return to my business activity (also related to Poland for many years), but I joined the activities of an American charity organization and supported the activities of an amazing international team, which in turn supported us Ukrainians. Of course, these months, and practically a year, passed in constant practice in Polish, Ukrainian, English, and if necessary - in Russian languages.
I studied Russian philology at the University of Donetsk, my specialization was the theory of literature. I also finished journalism, after graduation I worked on Ukrainian television. Then there were 10 years in Poland, then - return home, then - family and two wonderful children, many experiences in various fields of international business, continuation of the started topics until 2014, and again a rather final departure from Donetsk to Kyjiva, happy and diverse activity in continuous cooperation with Poland until February 23, 2022.
Only now, after returning from Warsaw, I have discovered my own need to help Ukrainian youth start their education in Poland and arrange their lives in Europe and in the world.
That's why I've been a Polish language teacher for several months now.
For me, the best practical solution is the system built in this particular school.
I add visualizations of complicated grammar rules myself, - I create them using current graphical instruments.
I also use all available media means to bring my students as close to Polish reality as possible and help them immerse themselves in topics related to their future specialization in studies.
I am glad that, regardless of my little experience, I already have the first results of my students, who have already received the highest grades during the entrance tests to the best Polish Universities. And due to the fact that I discovered the "Step by Step" course for myself and started using e-polish.eu instruments, I found myself here, in this wonderful group of teachers.

Ausbildung und Erfahrung

My experience in Poland is not related to teaching, because I learned many things myself.
For years I have been the owner of a company that imports technically advanced products from Poland and the USA.
From the beginning of the war in 2022, after moving to Warsaw, I got a completely new experience:

Logistics Manager
Caritas Poland, Warsaw
Work in the field of humanitarian aid, in the development and implementation of international projects to help victims of the war with Russia, or as a translator from English to Polish, Russian and Ukrainian - as needed.
All translation and communication tasks in 4 languages ​​-
English, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian - are my everyday life.
Discovery TVN 24.Media, Warsaw
Translation of news texts for TVN24 (Warner Br., Discovery) into Ukrainian
language - mainly in the field of war and social issues, directly related to war
in Ukraine, Polish video translation - materials from Ukraine
So now in Kiev I also work as an online Polish teacher for Ukrainian students.


I use the e-polish website and create graphic presentations to quickly memorize large theoretical issues.
Together with students, I also develop the necessary specialist vocabulary according to the selected major, based on scientific, press, radio and television materials. - We are happy to use online information from the most important media in Poland, which results in good results.


Teacher Oksana Domnenko is available on the dates listed below. They are already in your time zone which is: GMT.


Available tutor - on this date you can arrange your class

1 lekcja = 50 minut

mariyka.ter7744, 2024-08-30
mariyka.ter7744, 2024-08-26
mariyka.ter7744, 2024-08-18
Antonio w szkole języka polskiego
Bruksela (Belgia)

Próbowałem uczyć się kilku języków online, ale szybko się zniechęcałem, bo albo kurs był za bardzo komunikacyjny, albo też za bardzo ‘tradycyjny’. Polskiego nie miałem możliwości uczyć się inaczej jak tylko online, więc bez przekonania, ale zarejestrowałem się na kurs na e-polish.eu. Ku mojemu zdziwieniu, tutaj po raz pierwszy spotykam się z kursem, gdzie metodzie komunikacyjnej towarzyszy rzetelny komentarz gramatyczny. Na początku kursu sięgałem do niego dość często, teraz przekonałem się że materiał jest tak fantastycznie przygotowany, iż jest to zbędne. Faktycznie uczę się teraz czysto komunikacyjnie!


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