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"receivables exchange"

"receivables exchange"
Hello everyone,

Can somebody please help me with an English-to-Polish translation. I am writing an article about start-up companies dealing in trade receivables / factoring business, and I am strugguling with the phrase "receivables exchange" (such as the U.S. company http://recx.com/)

I managed to find two possible translations being "giełda należności" or "giełda wierzytelności".

Which one would be more appropriate? What is the difference between "należności" and "wierzytelności"?
I am not an accountant however I have heard about "giełda wierzytelności" several times. I am not sure if expression "giełda należności" exists... These two words are synonyms and means debts payable. "Należność" can become "wierzytelność" when it is put into costs. I hope it is helpful.
opinia o kursie języka polskiego Ben
Huston (USA)

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