Help translating a book dedication
mike927 2015-12-22 21:16 | Help translating a book dedication Hi, I need some help translating a dedication for a book. I want to translate this idea: "Dedicated to my loving mother." So far I have found "dedykowane dla mojej kochającej matki." I speak a little bit of polish and it doesn't sound right to me, but I could be mistaken. If someone could correct me or confirm that translation, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, for the dedication in polish books, is "dedicated to..." used, or is it something different? |
natkas 2017-07-17 10:17 | Hi, I have a question do you want to write "loving mother" or "beloved mother" because when you translate it to polish it might sound weird, also are you sure about using mother instead of mum cauce it may sound a bit heavy. I'm not about the Dedicated, it depends on the author I think sometimes it's not included and you would leave "kochającej matce" or "dla kochającej matki". For now if it's going to be "Dedicated to my loving mother" the best translation I think is "Dedykuję mojej kochającej matce" "dla" is not necessary in this case. |