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Vokabulary Training

Vokabulary Training
Hi there.

I have a question on how the vocabulary training works. How often are words repeated? How long is the distance between the words coming back - for those I knew and for those I did not know?

Like when I train a word, let's say "podczas". If I know it right away, how often is is coming back and in which rhythm, after two day? Then after 5 days? Then after 7 days? Or is it by the amount of words that I learn?

Can you help me understand this please?
Dear OursinO,

thank you for your inquiry. The system works in such a way that words for repetitions are added once a day, so that the number of new words does not exceed the one specified in the settings (i.e. if someone does not repeat words, they will not be added every day). The time of the next repetition depends on how many times the student has already repeated the given word and how many times he answered correctly and incorrectly. So it is a very individual matter.

Kind regards,
Sylwia Ryczkowska-Blasi
opinia o kursie języka polskiego Ben
Huston (USA)

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