Tablice gramatyczne
skowronski 2018-09-03 05:40 | Tablice gramatyczne Can anyone help me please? I am struggling to simplify each of the grammatical terms into no more than 4 words. *Mianownik (koto co) Base/Who? *Dopelniacz (kogo czego) Who's? *Celownik (komu czemu) Whom? *Biernik (kogo co) who do you see? *Narzednik (kogo co) Also, with? *Miejscownik (okim 0czym) place & time? *Wolac exclaim! If I can better understand where and when to employ these terms it would make my studies so much easier to comprehend? |
EasyBreezy 2018-09-05 15:13 | Miejscownik (okim 0czym) place & time? I'd say "About what? About whom?" |
renata_janiszewska 2018-11-19 13:01 | Przypadki : 1. Mianownik : kto ?, co? 2. Dopelniacz : kogo/, czego? 3. Celownik: komu?, czemu? ( sie przygladam) 4. Biernik: kogo?, co? ( widze) 5. Narzednik: z kim?, z czym? 6. Miejscownik : o kim?, o czym? ( mowie) 7 Wolacz: o ! ( wola) The words in the brackets are an additional help that you don't need to say but have it in mind just to help you better understand what the question words are asking and answer them correctly. That's how I've learned them when I was a kid at school and they served me very well. |