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Booking a Class

Booking a Class
Hello, I would love to know how Could I book for a online Lesson?
Dear Maria,

thank you very much for your interest in learning Polish with e-polish.eu. When it comes to individual online classes with a teacher you can choose two options:

a) individual one-to-one classes online with a teacher registered on our platform https://e-polish.eu/en/lektorzy_nauczajacy_online

In this case you choose a teacher on your own on the e-polisheu platform, buy lessons online and pay directly to the teacher. You can buy any number of lessons that the teachers displays on their account. You can choose to buy/order 1, 10, 20 or 30 online classes (it depends on you). In the attachment I am sending you instructions how to order/buy online classes on the platform.

The prices for the online classes can be different dipending on the teacher's rate. One online class lasts 50 minutes.

b) individual one-to-one online classes with a Glossa School teacher

In this case you contact us and we find a teacher for you. We send you the cost estimate (you pay our school) for the chosen package of lessons and after the payment the online classes can be arranged with a teacher on the platform.

If you were interested, I would need additional information to organize such lessons. Just let me know.

In both cases, to take part in online classes, you need a Skype communicator and an account on our e-polish.eu platform. As for the method of conducting online classes, they take place via our e-polish.eu platform (virtual classroom) and any voice communicator (eg Skype). The student and the teacher have a common screen (e-polish.eu platform) where the teacher displays interactive elements of the lesson (exercises, pages from textbooks, recordings, films, pictures, interactive games). A table is also shared, allowing also for mutual communication in writing. Of course the teacher prepares materials tailored to your needs and interests. In the attachment I am sending you how the online classes work on the platform and how to manage them in the system.

I hope my message was helpful, but if you have additional questions or something was unclear, please contact me at sylwia.ryczkowska-blasi@glossa.pl

e-polish.eu Team
Satoshi w szkole języka polskiego
Nagasaki (Japonia)

Jestem zaskoczony możliwościami, jakie daje ten kurs. Uczyłem się przy pomocy programów komputerowych angielskiego, niemieckiego i hiszpańskiego i nie spodziewałbym się, iż powstanie program do nauki języka polskiego w wielu kwestiach przewyższający tamte programy. Choć uczę się dopiero od miesiąca jestem pewny, że wkrótce będę mówił po polsku!


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