Nowy panel studenta/New student version
adavis 2022-06-01 10:39 | Nowy panel studenta/New student version Have you already tried the new version of the student account? Let us know what you think! We listen to your feedback and implement changes which make learning Polish with the e-polish.eu platform easier. 🙂// Czy widzieli Państwo już nową wersję panelu studenta? Jeśli tak to zapraszamy do podzielenia się swoimi wrażeniami! Bierzemy pod uwagę feedback i wprowadzamy zmiany, aby lepiej uczyło się Państwu z pomocą platformy e-polish.eu. :) |
glaubka 2022-06-01 10:51 | "Gramatyka" does not work at all No progress in my course Krok-po-kroku 1 |
glaubka 2022-06-01 10:55 | How long the old version will be available? |
adavis 2022-06-01 11:26 | Quite some time :) |
dermodymn 2022-06-01 21:05 | It's very pretty. The shop part looks much clearer. It could use a front page link for "my online courses" like the old one, though. It took me a bit to figure out where to go to find my course instead of just clicking from the homepage. I switched back almost immediately, lol. But I'm trying it again. :) Is this major update why everything has seemed a little scrambled lately (ie, instructions not relating to the exercises they are introducing)? I don't know if that's possible; I've just noticed more of it. Still great content, though. |
adavis 2022-07-07 11:21 | Thank you for your valuable feedback, Melisa. You cam find your online courses here and you can add the most often used to "favoursites" |
Grimrock 2022-07-08 11:45 | Не можу знайти розділ POWTÓREK ! |
sryczkowska 2022-08-03 08:28 | Dear Student, you can open your FISZKI on your individual student account here: https://test.e-polish.eu/student/#nauka/fiszki/settings Regards, Sylwia Ryczkowska-Blasi sylwia.ryczkowska-blasi@glossa.pl Admin |