Polish practice
Randaja 2019-11-19 11:10 | Polish practice Hi everyone! I'm learning Polish and now I find people for practice Polish in FB and VK. It would be very perfectly, if will be conference for Polish in FB or in VK. We can chating and talking in What's Up. Всем привет! Я изучаю польский. В данный момент ищу людей для практики польского в FB и ВК. Будет круто, если мы организуем беседку для польского. Мы можем переписываться либо болтать в вотсапе. |
lucyinthesky 2019-11-24 21:39 | greetings! i am considering your suggestion but it is important to know which level are you getting? Because i am just in level A2 and i am afraid that we don't match each other about level. if you re interested in, keep in touch! |
bamspb 2020-03-01 18:56 | mój adres emailowy bamspb@list.ru |