"My Erasmus life in Krakow"
mluksza 2014-01-21 15:24 | "My Erasmus life in Krakow" http://www.krakowpost.com/article/7561 - I have just found that in the KrakowPost magazine. What do you think? |
czile 2014-01-21 18:06 | czesc hello! not from cracov but warsaw - I am studying here thank to erasmus programme and it is great! there was only a one problem - polish language. I didn't want want to learn it before my studies - I choose the english path at the university, and wasn't really interested in learning such exotic language as polish. after few weeks i realized that was a mistake. especially the dean's office ladies were not very helpful, but thanks to my polish friends i managed all problems. right now i use online course and this is great! only few grammar matters, and a lot of ordinary language. it's really helpful. is here anyone from warsaw? |
nauczyc 2014-02-28 09:06 | Ciekawy artykuł, ale bardzo subiektywny... |