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Effective way to learn English

Effective way to learn English
Hello. Do You know any effecive way how to teach English pepople who don’t speak Polish at all and their English is not wery vell. If you have any suggestions please write.
You have to try to make your lessons more interestenting. I think that You can start with showing them pictures and teach them basic words in this way!

[quote:MR. B]You have to try to make your lessons more interestenting. I think that You can start with showing them pictures and teach them basic words in this way!


Or you can take them for a walk and show them neighborhood. This is my opinion!
Unfortunately, you'll have to make a little fool out of yourself to explain many things to them :-) I'm not kidding! The knowledge is better acquired if a teacher mimes, does a lot of gestures, imitates voices etc.
The basic and the most common way is showing pictures - everyone would understand that form of presenting new words.
You don't have to speak the same language as your students - imagination, confidence and a little acting will do half of the job for you :-)
If you English is at a very good level I would recommend that you get hold of the following books which are for Teachiing English as a foreign language:

- Teaching English, as a foreign language for Dummies
- TEFL Lesson Plans for Dummies

Both books are by Micelle Maxom.

They are obviously aimed at teachers who teach English, but the principles from these two books can be applied to teaching Polish.

It would probably be worthwhile seeing if you could get them from a library first, to see if they'd be useful.
Nauka polskiego Christian
Dresden (Niemcy)

Doskonały kurs do nauki języka polskiego. Jestem zaskoczony tak dużym bogactwem dostępnych ćwiczeń do każdego z poruszanych w kursie tematów. Dzięki temu nawet trudne tematy stają się jasne i moje umiejętności rozumienia i używania polskiego są na coraz wyższym poziomie.


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