Forum dyskusyjne języka polskiego
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One question

One question
Hi. Few weeks ago I met a girl who offered to teach me Polish. Everything is OK, but she is no a teacher, she is a student in language school. Do you think that kind of person can teach me Polish? I would like to know your opinion
I think that You can try! You don’t have nothing to loose. She can teach you a basics and her lessomns shouldn’t be as expensive as lesson in language school!

On the other hand – you can start dating with her! In my opinion you should take a phone and call her right now! :)

I wouldn't recommend that form of learning a foreign language.
The fact that someone knows basics in Polish or even knows Polish very well doesn't mean that he/she will explain it in a proper way. If they're not qualified teachers, they could have problems with explaining certain grammatical structures ot phrases to someone who has never learnt the language before.
I agree with all of you. You dont loose anything but probably will not learn a lot. However you will probably pick up basic expressions and phrases. But be careful - she will probably turn a blind eye on your pronunciation and if you really want to know correct Polish it may be problem for you in future. So I would combine classes with this nice girl with some more professional way of learning
Polish lessons wg Elisabeth
London (Wielka Brytania)

Gratuluję – świetnie zrealizowanego portalu! Bardzo podoba mi się sposób wprowadzania materiału i to wyłącznie przy użyciu języka polskiego. Na początku myślałam, że bez użycia angielskiego niczego się nie nauczę, ale to faktycznie działa! Oczywiście korzystam z komentarzy gramatycznych po angielsku, ale to raczej dla upewnienia się, czy wszystko dobrze rozumiem. Dialogów, nagrań oraz ćwiczeń opcjonalnych jest tak dużo, iż nie sposób czegoś nie zrozumieć.


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