I'm learning polish
c851224i 2020-03-26 05:03 | I'm learning polish Cześć, I'm Cindy, I'm learning polish right now twice a week at my university. I'd like to look for partners to practice or to exchange language. I speak Mandarin-Chinese also. If anyone wants to practice together please write to me: c851224i@gmail.com Miłego dnia, Cindy |
adavis 2020-04-10 10:32 | Dear Cindy, there is also a group for students on e-polish.eu platform on Facebook. You can find some students of Polish there as well. https://www.facebook.com/groups/POLSKIkrokpokrokuSTUDENCIepolisheu/ Best wishes, Beata Subczak admin |
paradisecodeine 2020-05-07 07:51 | Cześć Cindy ! Nazywam się Léa, jestem z Francji i uczę się polskiego na universitat. Chcę mówić po polsku z studentami do postępu. If you would like to practice you can send me a mail : leaxdabrowski@gmail.com Miłego dnia, Léa :) |