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Intensive Polish course - is it going to be effective?

Intensive Polish course - is it going to be effective?
Hi! I have just started my 2-week intensive course of Polish (I’m a beginner) and wondered if there is anyone here who could tell me how effective these courses really are?
Today I had my first classes (5 lessons a day) – I liked them very much, but the problem is that I feel a bit overwhelmed with information and tired. I’m afraid that it will not be as effective as I thought because it’s so intensive and I will be too tired to learn at home. Can anyone share their experience?
Don’t get discouraged after the first day! You feel this way probably because you’re not used to such types of courses. I was thinking the same after the first day of my course, but it got really better and all in all I’m really glad that I completed the whole course (4 weeks). First classes might be overwhelming but the intensive courses are the most effective ones.
Hi, I think that you need to find the most suitable course for you. If the intensive one is too much for you it’s better to change it and have less hours (not so often)?
I agree with fidelus, just give it more time. 5 lessons a day is really not so much, you’ll get used to it and be able to revise something at home. It is just a matter of mobilizing yourself !
Do you have these classes in the mornings or afternoons?
Hello, thank for your answers! I sticked with the program for a few days and all in all I think it’s pretty ok for me. I just switched the group for the morning one (earlier I was taking the evening classes) to be able to revise the material in the afternoons.
[quote:james_b]Hello, thank for your answers! I sticked with the program for a few days and all in all I think it’s pretty ok for me. I just switched the group for the morning one (earlier I was taking the evening classes) to be able to revise the material in the afternoons.[/quote]

Do You know any place in Cracow where I can start learning polish? I need to find good and proffesional language school becasue few times I found school where teachers weren’t professional and I just waste my money. Can you reccomend me something?

Hi, I can only say from my own experience, because I spent 2 weeks in one of Cracow's language school of Polish. Its name is Glossa. I think that a good language course depends not only on teachers, but also on a good book/materials. I took a very intensive course in Glossa, I had only 2 people in my group, so the teacher paid attention to all of us equally and made us to speak Polish. Besides, in that school everyone is speaking in Polish to you from the start: that really helps in improving your language.

Do You know any place in Cracow where I can start learning polish? I need to find good and proffesional language school becasue few times I found school where teachers weren’t professional and I just waste my money. Can you reccomend me something?

I also took up the Polish course in Glossa, Cracow and I also recommend it. Very good teachers and the Polish book they created is excellent (Polski Krok po Kroku).
Satoshi w szkole języka polskiego
Nagasaki (Japonia)

Jestem zaskoczony możliwościami, jakie daje ten kurs. Uczyłem się przy pomocy programów komputerowych angielskiego, niemieckiego i hiszpańskiego i nie spodziewałbym się, iż powstanie program do nauki języka polskiego w wielu kwestiach przewyższający tamte programy. Choć uczę się dopiero od miesiąca jestem pewny, że wkrótce będę mówił po polsku!


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