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Online exercises disappear afte a while?

Online exercises disappear afte a while?
Hi, thank you for preparing this book and these online resources!

I do the exercises in the book (some in class, some as homework) and I revise them online, tracking my progress on the website.
I noticed that after a while completed exercises disappear and seem like I never finished them in the first place.
After the Christmas break, I resumed my studies and a lot of my progress was reset. I have no problem with that. I just spend a bit revising those exercises, so it's good practice.

Is this behaviour in the online platform by default? Do old completed exercises appear as incomplete after a while? Or is this a mistake on the website?

The same situation. I had access to numerous additional exercises that I could review. Now I can see only one exercise in each section - no additional. And I have only 2 lesson to finish the course.
Could you please advise. Thank you!
I also have this problem. It's a huge problem as I have come to rely on these additional exercises.
Dear All,

thank you for your post. I will look into this matter and send each of you information by email.

Kind regards,
Sylwia Ryczkowska-Blasi
I also have this problem
I have had the same problem since last autumn. I have to do every piece of homework immediately, because the page does not open twice! Marjut
Good day. It is a pity that additional exercises on the platform is locking. I would like to ask for some even more detailed information about it. These additional exercises are nice vocabulary and grammar practice material, which help me to learn polish more effectively. Thank you in advance.
Today, my additional exercises locked, as I was starting Lesson 8. Like everyone else I rely on the additional exercises for revision and consolidation.
Daer All,

please note that there is a difference between ''online course'' and ''e-coursebook'' version.

In our offer we have coursebooks (paper books):
* POLSKI krok po kroku 1 - level A1/A2
* POLSKI krok po kroku 2 - level A2/B1
* POLSKI krok po kroku junior - level A1 (designed for children aged 10-15 years)

A student can get online access to the series of books ''POLSKI krok po kroku'' on the platform. Each of the above books you can have on the platform as:

* E-coursebook
The e-coursebook includes exercises and basic materials (in an interactive form with command translations, answer key, recordings, multimedia dictionary, translations of words and phrases) and the access is for unlimited time on the student's account.

How to get an e-coursebook? In two ways:
a) by buying a paper book ''POLSKI krok po kroku'' -> you get a paper book + e-coursebook on the platform
The access code (for unlimited time) you will find inside the paper book.
b) by buying the online access to e-courseboook -> you get e-coursebook on the platform

* Online course
Online course is an extended version of the e-coursebook. The access is for 12 months on the student's account.
It includes exercises and basic materials and:
+ hundreds of additional, alternative exercises
+ grammar comments and tables
+ vocabulary revision module (flashcards)
+ possibility to save your own notes

For those students who already have'' e-coursebook'' there is a possiblity of buying ''online course'' with a 55% discount (just click on a banner in the bottom inside your e-coursebook).

Visually, the e-coursebook and the online course look almost the same, however, the online course has more possibilities and functions for the student.

In summary, if you want to start learning polish you can choose either ''POLSKI krok po kroku 1'' online course or ''POLSKI krok po kroku 1'' ecoursebook (option a- with the paper book or option b- without the paper book).

I hope my message was helpful .

Kind regards,
Sylwia Ryczkowska-Blasi
Hi Sylwia,

I started this thread and it appears there was some confusion by other users regarding the problem.
My original issue was with exercises that were completed in the past. After a period of time, they appear as incomplete or not done.

Let's say I do ALL exercises in chapter 2. After a month or so, exercises 2 or 3 appear as 'not completed' and the chapter progress is reduced from 100% to something else (say, 80%).

Hope that is clearer!

Hi Sylwia
Thanks for the information but I was already aware of my status in regards to which course I've enlisted. The problem is that for about 4 months I've had access to a function of which I am now denied. Was this aspect not part of my course? If so, why have I had access for such a long time? It's somewhat confusing.
Good afternoon. I agree with the previous comment. Why some extra exercises locked? I don’t mean about hundreds of additional, alternative exercises from the Online course. I have had access to a part of e-coursebook on the platform. I could use some help.
Satoshi w szkole języka polskiego
Nagasaki (Japonia)

Jestem zaskoczony możliwościami, jakie daje ten kurs. Uczyłem się przy pomocy programów komputerowych angielskiego, niemieckiego i hiszpańskiego i nie spodziewałbym się, iż powstanie program do nauki języka polskiego w wielu kwestiach przewyższający tamte programy. Choć uczę się dopiero od miesiąca jestem pewny, że wkrótce będę mówił po polsku!


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