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Polish Course Books and other materials.

Polish Course Books and other materials.
Hey, I recently participated in a Polish course in Cracow and we used a really good book written by teachers from that language school, its title is "Polski Krok Po Kroku". I was wondering, if anyone of you have learnt from this book and what is your opinion about it? I've found this book well-written, clear and comprehensible.
What other materials did your teacher use during the classes?

Thanks in advance for the answer!
I'm also learning from this book. I'm currently at "Lekcja_8" and I liked it all very much so far. In fact I find Polish difficult, but a nice graphics and a lot of colors make it easier for me to learn. Especially, as I have a visual memory. Moreover, I like it for a lot of excercises. It makes me not only read, but also think all the time how to get through it properly. My personal teacher (I'm learning not in the group, but on my own) doesn't use any additional materials. But encourages me to try some e-learning. As soon as I try it, I'll let you know.
I also used this book during my one-to-one Polish course. I think it's really good, I like the fact that it looks so nice (so colourful!), I really enjoyed working with it. My teacher also used some additional materials from other sources, like Internet, but not so much.
Excuse me, if we talk about books. I'm learning now Polish with a great effort, but I'm not quite sure if the books are enouh for me. Can you advise me some additional materials, that I can use? To be fair, I'm still at A1 level, but I want to boost my Polish in few days, before I visit Poland.
There are quite a few additional materials available, however for A1 level Polski, krok po kroku should be more than enough if the teacher uses the book with online resources, there is no need for anything else (of course for this level).
So could you please tell me hat should I learn most, what are the most important expressions for me. as I want to visit Poland. I know already, that I should learn about restaurant vocabulary and expressions needed on te bus or railway stations. Is there something more that I should know??
Maybe something to tell about yourself? Your hobbies, what you like and dislike? Polish people appreciate when a foreigner makes an affort to speak Polish although it is quite clumsy ;) I would also recommend you expressions useful during shopping. You probably have this topic as your next lesson in the coursebook "Polski Krok po kroku" (Lekcja_07).
Hello, I'm beginner in learning polish language, now I participate in courses of Polish language in Warsaw to Klub Dialogu (Krakowskie Przedmieście 156/13). We use two books: “Polski krok po proku” and “Start 1”. In my opinion both of them are very useful, but for me “Start 1” is better for me. It was written by teachers from that school for people who didn’t have contact with polish language. It is very crearly and helpful.
I have the Krok po Kroku books and also use the online course version.

To be honest, when I first got the books, I looked through them and put them to one side, as I couldn't see how I could learn independently, without a teacher as there wasn't any English.

However, I have started using the course again via website, now that I have realised that you can just click on words that you do not know in the vocabulary lists and get the English translation for the word. I rarely look at the books, as the online version is identical and the text size is larger.

I am going to continue with this course and maybe also use some teachers via iTalki, once I get more proficient. I have purchased a lot of Polish courses, books and materials and this is one of the best, if not the best.

I find it useful to learn phrases that might be useful. Some you can learn online for free are:
Hello, I learn Polish by self-studying and I haven't known the 'krok-po-kroku'-serial until a half year ago. I started learning with PONS Powerkurs (in Germany) for getting the basic knowledges and used several exercise materials. Now I have continued with Polski krok po kroku 2 (+ Zeszyt ćwiczeń, Poziom A2) for further excercises. I think the books of 'polski krok po kroku' are attractively designed. You learn the vocabulary and grammar rules by exercises/application. I hope, the serial will be added with advanced materials of B-Niveau.
Satoshi w szkole języka polskiego
Nagasaki (Japonia)

Jestem zaskoczony możliwościami, jakie daje ten kurs. Uczyłem się przy pomocy programów komputerowych angielskiego, niemieckiego i hiszpańskiego i nie spodziewałbym się, iż powstanie program do nauki języka polskiego w wielu kwestiach przewyższający tamte programy. Choć uczę się dopiero od miesiąca jestem pewny, że wkrótce będę mówił po polsku!


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