Vokabulary revisions Cards
koerbecke 2024-10-16 20:50 | Vokabulary revisions Cards Where can I find the vokabulary revisions? thank you! |
sryczkowska 2024-10-17 10:10 | Hi, Thank you for your inquiry. We offer two types of flashcards on the platform: 1.A set of flashcards, which are available on the student account here -> https://e-polish.eu/student/#nauka/fiszki/publiczne You can use them at any time and they are free. 2.SMART flashcards They are available here -> https://shorturl.at/I4VJi A student can use SMART flashcards on their student account on the platform if they have: 1) a demo version of any online course (for a period of 3 days) -> then the flashcards are free 2) an active e-coursebook+ ''POLSKI krok po kroku'' (usually for a period of 12 months) -> then the flashcards are available as part of the course. 3) an annual subscription, which can be purchased on your account by extending your flashcard subscription (for a period of 12 months) -> https://shorturl.at/kS7rM I hope my email was helpful. In case of any additional questions please contact me, I will be glad to help. Regards, Sylwia Ryczkowska-Blasi sylwia.ryczkowska-blasi@glossa.pl |