Vocabulary and exercises: Krok po kroku 2
hilde_brune 2015-03-15 16:05 | Vocabulary and exercises: Krok po kroku 2 Unfortunately with Krok po kroku 2 the vocabulary learning platform has weakened a lot. There are many words without German translation and also without mp3: przeciwwskazanie, bliski, tolerancyjny, przejście, zdążyć, bezdzietny, systematyczny, cieszyć, zaopiekować się, zdecydowany, którędy, niepunktualny, miejsce stałego pobytu, nienawidzić, systematyczny, zdycyplinowy, nazwisko panieńskie, zaraża się, nazwisko rodowe, towarzyski, obywatelstwo, poza domem, jedynak, witamina, moźliwy dzieki, etc. I am also waiting for access to the exercise book on the platform. The exercise book is on sale since January 2014 and still the exercises are not on the platform. Big pity. |
mluksza 2015-03-17 20:14 | Dear Hilde, Thank you for this note. All these words you can report with the button 'report the problem' (symbol of triangle with exclamation mark). I have marked all these words and phrases, so we will correct the translation of them soon. Right now the online course "Zeszyt ćwiczeń 2" is under construction. Sorry for that delay. We planned to run it in May this year. A lot of work we have to do with ZC2, and we are working on this. The online course 'Zeszyt ćwiczeń 2' will be run as soon as possible. Best regards, Milena Łuksza |