The BEST table ever for learning Polish!!
david042 2020-02-06 01:30 | The BEST table ever for learning Polish!! The BEST table(s) ever for learning Polish!! Declensions and much more: https://github.com/david04/polishresources/raw/master/Declensions.png From this website: https://david04.github.io/polishresources/ |
david042 2020-02-06 08:34 | Source Google Docs, you can send comments and suggestions for edits there: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o8m4odWbwpr1atd6Y7ueqy-3LU2-qVPwiE5BK2rrgTk/edit?usp=sharing |
geoff.archer54 2020-02-06 10:49 | Aha no to bardzo przydatne. Dziękujemy ci bardzo za to. Mam nadzieję że nie spędziłeś za dużo czasu pisząc to!! |
kyle.ricedorff 2020-02-10 13:45 | Thanks for sharing! |
lentoz 2020-02-11 15:14 | Hi David, Amazing job. Thank you a lot for sharing. They are quite useful. |
chiaraec 2020-02-18 16:55 | I saw it on Reddit, great job David :) thanks for sharing. |
inya.lee 2020-02-19 20:28 | Thanks David =) |
Roland25 2020-02-20 12:59 | These are really great resources. Thank you so much for your efforts in putting this together. Very helpful. Dziekuje bardzo Roland |