Polish Language Teachers and Tutors Online
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Janusz Rudzki
Janusz Rudzki
Birmingham (Wielka Brytania)

Hey there!

Are you looking to learn Polish language but have some questions before you commit? No problem, just click on "Free online trial lesson" and sign up for a free lesson with me. My name is Janusz and I am fluent in Polish, Bulgarian, and English, with some understanding of Russian and Ukrainian. I teach languages online and I'm excited to start teaching you, even if you're a beginner!

My name is Janusz and I am 38 years old. I have experience teaching people of all ages, from children to pensioners, and I offer a variety of options to suit your needs. You can start with a free lesson, which is 50 minutes long, and then move on to 1-to-1 lessons that are 60 minutes long and cost 21 EUR each. After each lesson, I will give you homework to do on the e-polish online platform to help you practice what you've learned.

Living in Poland, the UK, Portugal, Bulgaria, and Italy over the past seven years has given me a deep understanding of different cultures and languages, which I bring into my teaching. I know firsthand the challenges of learning a new language and use this experience to create supportive, practical lessons. Exposure to diverse learning styles helps me adapt to your unique needs, ensuring effective progress. My global perspective allows me to connect Polish with other cultures, making it more relatable and engaging for you. Ultimately, I provide not just language instruction but also valuable insights into adapting to new environments and thriving in a multicultural world.

But I'm not just a language teacher; I'm also a Language Learning Motivator! My aim is to help everyone progress in their lives through language learning. I believe in making learning fun and effective for all kinds of people, wherever they are in the world. That's why I wrote an e-book called "7 Tips On How To Learn a Foreign Language", which I'll send to you for free when you get in touch.

And if you're wondering about my interests outside of language teaching, I'm interested in ancient civilizations, AI, history, geopolitics, and I enjoy fishing. So let's get started on your language learning journey together! Just click on "Free online trial lesson" and we'll take it from there.

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Aleksandra Podleżańska
Aleksandra Podleżańska
Gdańsk (Polska)

As my name suggests - I am Polish, Polish is my mother tongue.
Learning foreign languages became my passion forty years ago, when I arrived in Germany. I studied German for five months on super-intensive courses at the Goethe-Institute in Munich (25 hours a week), which I completed at the Mittelstufe II (B2). Then for ten months I studied in „Studienkolleg bei den wissenschaftlichen Hochschulen des Freistadt Bayern”, then - at the state-owned "Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München", I graduated in linguistics as well in German and English studies at philosophical faculties.
I spent one semester of my studies in England, learning English on super intensive courses at Oxford House College in London (30 hours a week), which I started on the "Basic" level and finished on "Level 6 - Proficiancy". For six years I also worked in international structures in Italy, first completing super-intensive Italian language courses at the University for Foreigners (Università per Stranieri) in Perugia and at the Roman language school "Berlitz", Italy. In the Vatican, I also finished a two-year study of theology and law in Italian in the "Scuola Pratica di Teologia e Diritto per la Vita Consacrata presso la Congregazione per gli Istituti di Vita Consacrata e le Società di Vita Apostolica, Vaticano".
Learning foreign languages also drew my attention to the meanders of my mother tongue, i.e. Polish, which is why during my university studies I was eager to take part in comparative linguistics and Slavic studies.
During many years of rich contacts with my colleagues from university or working in international teams, I had many opportunities to teach Polish to my friends. They were surprised to note that "not such a terrible devil as they paint him!"
I know how important it is in the modern world to know foreign languages. So I eagerly share it, whether in my professional life or with my friends and acquaintances.
The "era of the coronavirus pandemic" has opened our eyes to new opportunities for meetings and communication, which are facilitated by the current technical possibilities, such as meetings and online learning. So I am happy to use them to enable all interested parties to learn a beautiful and very interesting Polish language, which is not as difficult as it is commonly believed. Success depends on teaching methods and the ability to listen carefully to the student.
An adventure with the Polish language can be very interesting, beautiful and enriching. It should be remembered that the language we use did not arise suddenly and is not unchanging, constant. Each language is subject to development and largely depends on the history of the nation and the circumstances in which people who use a given language as their mother tongue live. This means that the language is related to the history, culture, philosophy and experiences of a given nation ... I invite you to take the adventure of learning Polish with me.

Oksana Domnenko
Oksana Domnenko
02222 (Ukraina)

Welcome to my profile!
I am Oksana.
I come from Ukraine, from the south-east of our country. I currently live in Kyjiwi.
I have special ties with Poland - I lived in Poland for 10 years, and a year ago, in the first days of the war in Ukraine, I came to Poland again and stayed in Warsaw for 5 months. I returned, regardless of great job offers and my family's wishes, to Kyjiwa to be at home, in my life, with my people. And a few months of support, help and warmth that I met in Poland enriched me with an amazing experience of working in international charity organizations supporting Ukraine, and translation activities for TVN24 Discovery.
For this reason, after returning to Kyjiv, I did not immediately return to my business activity (also related to Poland for many years), but I joined the activities of an American charity organization and supported the activities of an amazing international team, which in turn supported us Ukrainians. Of course, these months, and practically a year, passed in constant practice in Polish, Ukrainian, English, and if necessary - in Russian languages.
I studied Russian philology at the University of Donetsk, my specialization was the theory of literature. I also finished journalism, after graduation I worked on Ukrainian television. Then there were 10 years in Poland, then - return home, then - family and two wonderful children, many experiences in various fields of international business, continuation of the started topics until 2014, and again a rather final departure from Donetsk to Kyjiva, happy and diverse activity in continuous cooperation with Poland until February 23, 2022.
Only now, after returning from Warsaw, I have discovered my own need to help Ukrainian youth start their education in Poland and arrange their lives in Europe and in the world.
That's why I've been a Polish language teacher for several months now.
For me, the best practical solution is the system built in this particular school.
I add visualizations of complicated grammar rules myself, - I create them using current graphical instruments.
I also use all available media means to bring my students as close to Polish reality as possible and help them immerse themselves in topics related to their future specialization in studies.
I am glad that, regardless of my little experience, I already have the first results of my students, who have already received the highest grades during the entrance tests to the best Polish Universities. And due to the fact that I discovered the "Step by Step" course for myself and started using e-polish.eu instruments, I found myself here, in this wonderful group of teachers.

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Satoshi w szkole języka polskiego
Nagasaki (Japonia)

Jestem zaskoczony możliwościami, jakie daje ten kurs. Uczyłem się przy pomocy programów komputerowych angielskiego, niemieckiego i hiszpańskiego i nie spodziewałbym się, iż powstanie program do nauki języka polskiego w wielu kwestiach przewyższający tamte programy. Choć uczę się dopiero od miesiąca jestem pewny, że wkrótce będę mówił po polsku!


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